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发布时间:2018-02-27 12:22

  本文关键词: 电子证据 取证 立法完善 出处:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在电子信息技术飞速发展的大趋势下,电子证据取证对案件突破起到的作用越来越重要,尤其是新型犯罪的层出不穷,与高科技性结合的更加紧密,使得几乎每个案件都涉及到电子证据。电子证据取证作为举证、质证、认证的重要前提,影响着电子证据在案件审查认定方面起到的作用大小,所以取证的过程是否合法、取证的内容是否全面直接关系到后续案件的侦破,是整个诉讼过程中的关键一环。 然而,相较于域外在电子证据取证方面的迅速发展革新,我国仍处于起步摸索阶段。相关立法的滞后与不完善,使得我国电子取证司法实践面临诸多问题,如何推动我国电子取证工作的快速规范发展,提高对电子取证的认知认可,加大电子证据的应用力度的同时,减少或避免电子证据取证对公民权利的损害,都是我们所要探讨的。 立法完善是电子证据取证得以顺利实施开展的基本前提。在我国没有单行证据法的现状下,电子取证立法需要考虑非自诉类刑事案件与其他案件在电子取证方面的不同,充分吸收目前各位阶法律规范和相关部门出台的标准规范的经验做法,借鉴国际先进经验,考虑自身特点,进而制定出符合我国现代司法工作规律的和社会主义法治建设方向的统一法律规范。 电子证据作为一种新的证据类型,横跨法律和计算机两个专业,对取证人员的要求更高,对取证的过程等方面要求更严格。纵观我国目前的司法现状,刑事类案件面临着电子取证人员和设备等资源的不足、部门或单位间缺乏有效的沟通配合机制、侦查部门对电子取证的认识不够、取证过程不规范等等问题,非刑事类案件则面临着社会第三方电子取证机构严重稀缺、取证的结果认定没有法律依据、取证方式单一化等方面的问题,这些都需要立法加以考虑并完善的。 总之,电子证据取证的立法完善要走的路还很长,是一项长期而又艰巨的工作。立法的过程应该紧密围绕电子证据的特性进行,以现有法律规范为基础,以司法实践为参考,以国际先进经验为借鉴,使电子证据取证立法能够符合我国现状需求及长远发展方向,构建具备中国特色的电子证据取证立法体系。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of electronic information technology, the evidence collection of electronic evidence plays a more and more important role in the breakthrough of cases. So that almost every case involves electronic evidence.Electronic evidence collection as an important prerequisite for proof, cross-examination and authentication affects the role of electronic evidence in the examination and determination of cases, so whether the process of obtaining evidence is lawful or not, Whether the content of evidence is directly related to the investigation of subsequent cases is a key link in the whole litigation process. However, compared with the rapid development and innovation in the field of electronic evidence collection outside China, China is still in the initial stage of exploration. The lag and imperfection of relevant legislation make the judicial practice of electronic forensics in our country face many problems. How to promote the rapid development of electronic forensics in China, improve the cognitive recognition of electronic forensics, increase the application of electronic evidence, and at the same time reduce or avoid the harm of electronic evidence to citizens' rights. That's what we're going to talk about. The perfection of legislation is the basic prerequisite for the successful implementation of electronic evidence collection. In the absence of a single evidence law in our country, electronic forensics legislation needs to consider the differences between non-private prosecution criminal cases and other cases in electronic forensics. Fully absorbing the experience and practice of the current legal norms at various levels and the standards and norms issued by relevant departments, drawing on advanced international experience and taking into account its own characteristics, Then the unified legal norms which accord with the law of modern judicial work and the direction of socialist rule of law construction are formulated. Electronic evidence, as a new type of evidence, straddles law and computer science, and requires higher requirements for forensic personnel and more stringent requirements for the process of obtaining evidence. Criminal cases are faced with the shortage of resources such as electronic forensics personnel and equipment, the lack of effective communication and coordination mechanism between departments or units, the insufficient understanding of electronic forensics by investigation departments, the irregular process of evidence collection, and so on. The non-criminal cases are faced with the serious scarcity of the third party electronic forensics institutions in the society, the result of the evidence identification has no legal basis, the way of obtaining evidence is single, and so on, which need to be considered and perfected by legislation. In short, there is still a long way to go to improve the legislation of electronic evidence collection, which is a long and arduous task. The legislative process should be carried out closely around the characteristics of electronic evidence, based on the existing legal norms, and taking judicial practice as a reference. Based on the international advanced experience, the legislation of electronic evidence collection can meet the needs of our country's current situation and the direction of long-term development, and construct the legislation system of electronic evidence collection with Chinese characteristics.


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