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发布时间:2018-02-28 21:10

  本文关键词: 简易审判程序 公正 效率 完善 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In order to relieve the pressure of more cases and fewer judicial resources, to improve the efficiency of litigation, to further balance and coordinate the value of justice and efficiency, in 1996, our country added the summary trial procedure in the Criminal procedure Law. Since then, the prologue of our country's criminal summary trial procedure has been opened. In order to better adapt to the constantly changing actual situation, in 2012, our country also made a substantial amendment to the Criminal procedure Law. It should be seen that although the current Criminal procedure Law has made further improvement on the summary trial procedure, there are still many problems in the legislative design and application, such as the single type; The provisions of the applicable conditions are too general; the provisions on the guarantee of the defendant's related rights of action are insufficient; the rate of application is still relatively low and the problems in the execution of the trial are outstanding. From the angle of further improving the efficiency of litigation and realizing the mutual coordination and balance between the value of litigation justice and the value of litigation efficiency under the premise of safeguarding justice, There is still room for perfection and innovation in the criminal summary trial procedure in China. Meanwhile, through the investigation and analysis of the criminal summary trial procedure in the two major legal systems, we can see that. Diversification has become a common feature and development trend of summary criminal procedure in various countries. Based on this, the author suggests that our country should draw lessons from the advanced ideas of foreign countries in summary trial procedure. On the basis of perfecting the current criminal summary trial procedure in our country, we should construct the diversified criminal summary trial procedure in our country, especially, we should establish the lenient procedure of pleading guilty and penalizing as soon as possible, as well as the punishment order system of Chinese style, etc. Thus the two valuable goals of efficiency and justice are effectively balanced; the interests of the accused, the victim and the state are balanced; and the criminal punishment and the protection of human rights are balanced.


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