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发布时间:2018-03-01 07:45

  本文关键词: 审判方法 裁判方法 裁判思维 外国法查明 出处:《政法论坛》2017年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The traditional theory relies on the characterization of the foreign law as a matter of fact or law to determine the division of the responsibility of the judge and the party in the foreign law in the civil action concerning foreign affairs. However, in the comparative study, the important differences between different countries in the background of litigation and other systems and the principle of similar judgment methods have been neglected. However, the litigation mode of our country is in a state of transition and uncertainty. The general misunderstanding of the logical relationship between fact and law caused by the lack of training in basic adjudicative thinking and methods is typical in the identification of foreign law. Whether foreign law is a matter of fact or law, which has long been debated in the field of private international law, is mainly a conceptual dispute. Even the disputing parties have forgotten the starting point of the problem-how do States configure the obligations and competence of judges and parties with regard to the identification of issues under foreign law? From this functional point of view, the definition or classification of factual or legal issues, which appear to be different in concept, is investigated in a particular litigation mode according to the logic and rules of factual or legal issues. Therefore, the focus of China's research on the identification of foreign law should not be confined to the dispute between factual and legal symbols. The Chinese civil litigation mode should be placed in the transition of the specific institutional context of the relationship between judge and party's competence allocation, taking "foreign law" as the object and "finding out" as the target. This paper makes functional consideration on the specific system of current foreign law, and explores its applicable norms.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;


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