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发布时间:2018-03-02 15:20

  本文选题:证据失权 切入点:举证时限 出处:《广西民族大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:为了实现民事诉讼程序的效率性与稳定性的统一,保护民事诉讼当事人在进行民事诉讼活动的过程中的合法利益,证据失权制度起着重要的作用。通常情况下民事诉讼当事人会在举证时限内举证,但也有部分当事人会逾越举证时限后再行使举证权利。随着社会活动的日益频繁与复杂,民事纠纷也越来越多,当前我国公民法律意识还不是很强,,有不少民事诉讼当事人在进行民事活动中对于举证时限不清楚不了解,既不自觉履行,也不会主动提出异议。针对这种情况,一方面要让当事人的合法利益能够得到实现,保障权利意识淡薄的当事人的合法权利;另一方面又要阻止逾期举证所造成的程序的反复。正是基于上述原因,我国逐步建立了证据失权制度。证据失权制度从其产生以来就一直处于饱受争议的状态,有关证据失权制度的法律法规也一直在逐步发展与完善。我国最高人民法院在2002年就颁布的《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》在司法解释中确立了证据失权制度。在2013年正式实施的《民事诉讼法》中又对证据失权制度作出了进一步的修改。遗憾的是,新修改的《民事诉讼法》也只是粗略的在法条上对证据失权制度作出了规定,对该制度的很多规定仍然不够明确、具体。 本文共分为四个部分,第一部分为民事诉讼证据失权制度概述。该部分从民事诉讼证据失权的概念层面阐述了该制度的基本内容基本理论以及存在的价值。第二部分为域外证据失权制度的分析与借鉴,通过对英美法系大陆法系等主要国家的证据失权制度进行分析比较找出适合我国的一条正确道路。第三部分为我国的现状分析。从我国的法条、实践以及理论中发现其存在的问题以及缺陷。第四部分为具体的制度的完善。通过对我国证据失权制度的缺陷,提出了针对性的完善措施。
[Abstract]:In order to realize the unification of efficiency and stability of the civil procedure, and to protect the legitimate interests of the parties in the civil litigation, The system of losing the right of evidence plays an important role. Usually, the civil litigant will prove the evidence within the time limit of proof, but some parties will exercise the right of proof after exceeding the time limit of proof. With the increasing frequency and complexity of social activities, There are more and more civil disputes. At present, the legal consciousness of citizens in our country is not very strong. There are many parties in civil litigation who do not understand clearly the time limit of proof in their civil activities, and neither consciously perform it. In view of this situation, on the one hand, the legitimate interests of the parties should be realized to protect the legitimate rights of the parties with weak awareness of rights; On the other hand, it is necessary to prevent the repetition of the procedure caused by the late proof. It is precisely for the reasons mentioned above that our country has gradually established the system of loss of power of evidence, which has been in a controversial state since it came into being. In 2002, the Supreme people's Court of China established the system of loss of power of evidence in the judicial interpretation of the "several provisions on evidence in civil proceedings" issued by the Supreme people's Court of China in 2002. ... In the Civil procedure Law, which was formally implemented in 2013, further amendments were made to the system of loss of power of evidence. Unfortunately, The newly amended Code of Civil procedure is also a rough stipulation on the system of loss of power of evidence, and many of the provisions of this system are still not clear and specific. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is an overview of the system of loss of power of evidence in civil litigation, which expounds the basic content, basic theory and existing value of the system from the conceptual level of the loss of power of evidence in civil litigation. The second part is divided into the system of loss of power of evidence outside the territory. Analysis and reference of degree, Through the analysis and comparison of the evidence loss system in the common law system and other major countries, the author finds out a correct way for our country. The third part is the analysis of the present situation of our country. In practice and in theory, the existing problems and defects are found. The 4th part is the perfection of the specific system. Through the defects of the system of losing the right of the evidence in our country, the author puts forward the corresponding measures to improve the system.


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