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发布时间:2018-03-08 10:32

  本文选题:取保候审 切入点:保释 出处:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The intention and purpose of establishing bail pending trial measures is to ensure the smooth progress of criminal proceedings and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects and defendants, with the establishment of the basic spirit of human rights and its popularity. The dual value of safeguarding judicial order and human rights protection has been extensively discussed and studied by scholars. In judicial practice, the problems existing in the measures of obtaining bail pending trial mainly include that the standards of obtaining bail are not specific and the application is arbitrary. The decision procedure adopts the "administrative examination and approval" method, the supervision and enforcement is weak, the execution of the three "prohibition orders" is difficult, the guarantee is not investigated, the investigation is carried out on the behalf of the guarantee, the legal relief procedure is lacking, and so on. Compared with the measures of obtaining bail pending trial in our country, The bail system in Anglo-American countries has played a better role in restricting state power, realizing procedural justice, protecting human rights and saving judicial resources. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter expounds the problems existing in the practice of the measures of obtaining bail pending trial. The current situation of bail pending trial measures, the specific problems encountered in the implementation of the explanation, and analysis of the reasons for the defects; chapter two and foreign bail system comparative analysis, The third chapter focuses on the facts and puts forward some legal suggestions for the improvement and perfection of the current measures of obtaining bail pending trial in our country.


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7 翟o踥,




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