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发布时间:2018-03-10 05:24

  本文选题:强制医疗 切入点:精神病人 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:伴随着2012年我国《刑事诉讼法》的修订和之后最高人民法院和最高人民检察院等单位相继出台的关于《刑事诉讼法》的司法解释,“刑事诉讼精神病人强制医疗程序”成为一项重要的刑事诉讼程序。刑事诉讼强制医疗程序在我国不仅仅涉及到维护精神病人和病人家属亲友的合法权益,而且其本身的实施过程也是对法律公平和程序正义的体现,因此有所谓的“刑事诉讼双刃剑”之称。纵观精神病人刑事诉讼强制医疗程序的发展历程和社会影响,如果对其不加以规制,则必定会因此而对精神病人的“小家庭”产生危害,甚至会对社会带来巨大的伤痛和危害,而且精神病人刑事诉讼强制医疗程序涉及法学、医学、生理学、社会学和心理学等众多学科,因此,本文立足于此,对该问题的研究必须在众多学科之间建立一个平衡点。 纵观我国2012年《刑事诉讼法》修订、“两高”司法解释和2012年《精神卫生法》的修订,对精神病人刑事强制医疗程序问题作为特殊程序予以规定,体现了我国立法和实务部门对此问题的重视,更是社会主义法治的进步。但是其中也有不足,诸如适用对象范围过窄、司法鉴定程序不规范和科学、专家辅助人制度不完善、治疗费用规定不明确、医疗机构独立性不强、启动和决定等程序不完善。因此需要借鉴国外的相关立法经验和实务经验,使刑事诉讼法律中的强制医疗程序规范和操作流程得到细化和明确,也致臻完善。上述论及的不足和缺陷直接导致了强制医疗程序的实施过程中社会问题解决的不彻底和程序正义的缺失,极大地影响了精神病人刑事诉讼强制医疗程序在实际的实施中所带来的一些不利法律效果。 鉴于此,本文利用法学、医学、生理学、社会学和心理学等跨部门学科优势,使得刑事强制医疗程序在立足我国现有的《刑事诉讼法》和“两高”司法解释、《精神卫生法》等法律规范的基础上,并积极借鉴域外国家和地区的经验,提出符合我国实际的解决方案,例如包括对强制医疗程序关键部分的启动、决定、解除的规范化;对鉴定程序的科学化完善;细化强制医疗的救济程序等措施,使得精神病人刑事强制医疗程序能够程序模式上实现权利的制约和平衡,从而最终使得该程序的的建立有利于我国刑事诉讼法所确立的人权保障原则,也能够更好地体现程序正义和社会防卫的价值理念追求。
[Abstract]:With the revision of the Criminal procedure Law in 2012 and the judicial interpretation of the Criminal procedure Law issued one after another by the Supreme people's Court and the Supreme people's Procuratorate, "compulsory medical procedures for mental patients in criminal proceedings" The order "has become an important criminal procedure. Compulsory medical procedures in criminal proceedings are not only concerned with safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of mental patients and their relatives and friends," Moreover, its implementation process is also the embodiment of legal fairness and procedural justice, so it is called the "double edged sword of criminal procedure". If it is not regulated, it will certainly cause harm to the "small family" of the mental patient, and even bring great pain and harm to the society. Moreover, the compulsory medical procedure of the criminal procedure for the mental patient involves law, medicine, etc. Physiology, sociology, psychology and many other disciplines, therefore, this paper based on this, the study of this issue must establish a balance between the many disciplines. Looking at the revision of the Criminal procedure Law in 2012, the judicial interpretation of the "two High levels" and the revision of the Mental Health Law in 2012, the criminal compulsory medical procedure for mental patients is stipulated as a special procedure. It reflects the importance attached by the legislative and practical departments of our country to this issue, and it is also the progress of the socialist rule of law. However, there are also some shortcomings, such as the narrow scope of application, the non-standard and scientific procedure of judicial identification, the imperfect system of expert assistant. The cost of treatment is not clear, the independence of medical institutions is not strong, the procedures of starting and deciding are not perfect. Therefore, we need to learn from the relevant legislative experience and practical experience of foreign countries. To make the mandatory medical procedure and operation procedure in the criminal procedure law detailed and clear, The deficiencies and shortcomings discussed above have led directly to the incomplete solution of social problems and the lack of procedural justice in the implementation of compulsory medical procedures, It has greatly affected some unfavorable legal effects brought by compulsory medical procedure in criminal procedure of mental patients. In view of this, this paper takes advantage of the interdisciplinary advantages of law, medicine, physiology, sociology and psychology. It makes the criminal compulsory medical procedure based on the existing judicial interpretation of "Criminal procedure Law", "the two High" judicial interpretation, the "Mental Health Law" and other legal norms, and actively draw lessons from the experiences of foreign countries and regions. Put forward solutions that are in line with the reality of our country, such as starting, deciding on and removing the key parts of the compulsory medical procedure, perfecting the scientific identification procedure, refining the relief procedures for compulsory medical treatment, and so on. It makes the compulsory medical procedure for mental patients realize the restriction and balance of the rights in the procedure mode, and finally makes the establishment of the procedure conducive to the human rights protection principle established by the criminal procedure law of our country. Also can better reflect the procedural justice and social defense of the value of the pursuit.


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