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发布时间:2018-03-12 19:41

  本文选题:非法实物证据 切入点:排除规则 出处:《南京师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着世界各国对刑事诉讼中非法证据排除问题的深入研究,我国学术界和司法界也掀起了研究非法证据的热潮。对于非法证据排除中的言词证据,我国一直都比较关注,相对来说研究的已经很深入。而对于非法证据排除中的实物证据,由于一直受我国“重口供轻调查研究”的司法观念的影响,研究相对薄弱,甚至于一度没有进展。而针对司法实践中非法实物证据排除欠缺法律规范的现实,我国最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、国家安全部和司法部在2010年联合颁布了《关于办理死刑案件审查判断证据若干问题的规定》和《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》,首次以司法解释的形式对非法实物证据排除进行了规定。在此基础上,2012年刑事诉讼法修正案顺利通过,其中对非法实物证据排除规则又进行了完善,至此我国的非法实物证据排除规则才得到真正的确立。本文以此为着眼点,论述了非法实物证据排除领域的有关问题。 本文主要分四部分对非法实物证据排除规则进行研究:首先,第一部分对非法实物证据排除规则的基本内容进行了概述,为下文对非法实物证据排除规则的研究提供了理论基础;其次,第二部分对域外几个主要国家的非法实物证据排除的理论和实践状况进行了考察,并且对其中的异同作了比较和分析,为规则在我国的确立提供了借鉴;再次,第三部分介绍了我国在非法实物证据排除问题上的局限性,主要表现为立法上过于原则、操作性不强;在理论研究上忽视我国国情,只是一味借鉴他国经验;在司法实践中由于受各方面因素的影响,排除效果相当不理想。所以,综合分析明确了我国需要进一步完善非法实物证据排除规则。最后,第四部分重点分析了我国现行刑事诉讼法及司法解释关于非法实物证据排除规则的不足及其成因,并且对进一步完善非法实物证据排除规则提出了一些简单的思路。
[Abstract]:With the in-depth study of the exclusion of illegal evidence in criminal proceedings in the world, the academic and judicial circles in our country have also set off an upsurge in the study of illegal evidence. Our country has always paid more attention to the verbal evidence in the exclusion of illegal evidence. Relatively speaking, the research has been very thorough. However, the research on the material evidence in the exclusion of illegal evidence is relatively weak because of the influence of the judicial concept of "paying more attention to oral confession than investigation and research" in our country. Even once there was no progress. In view of the fact that illegal physical evidence in judicial practice was excluded from the lack of legal norms, the Supreme people's Court of China, the Supreme people's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security, In 2010, the Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of Justice jointly promulgated the provisions on the examination and judgment of evidence in death penalty cases and the provisions on the exclusion of illegal evidence in criminal cases for the first time. The form of interpretation provides for the exclusion of illegal physical evidence. On this basis, the amendment to the Criminal procedure Law on 2012 was passed smoothly. The exclusionary rule of illegal physical evidence has been perfected, so that the exclusion rule of illegal physical evidence in our country has been really established. This paper discusses the related problems in the field of excluding illegal physical evidence. This article mainly divides into four parts to carry on the research to the illegal physical evidence exclusion rule: first, the first part has carried on the summary to the illegal physical evidence exclusion rule basic content, It provides a theoretical basis for the following research on the exclusion rules of illegal physical evidence. Secondly, the second part examines the theoretical and practical situation of the exclusion of illegal physical evidence in several major countries outside the country. And has made the comparison and the analysis to these similarities and differences, has provided the reference for the rule establishment in our country; thirdly, the third part has introduced our country in the illegal physical evidence exclusion question limitation, mainly manifested in the legislation too principle, Operational is not strong; ignore our country's national conditions in the theoretical research, just blindly learn from the experience of other countries; in judicial practice, because of the influence of various factors, the effect of exclusion is quite unsatisfactory. The comprehensive analysis makes it clear that our country needs to further improve the exclusion rules of illegal physical evidence. Finally, 4th focuses on the analysis of the deficiencies and causes of the existing criminal procedure law and judicial interpretation of the exclusion rules of illegal physical evidence. And put forward some simple ideas to further improve the exclusion rules of illegal physical evidence.


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