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发布时间:2018-03-14 08:00

  本文选题:府际合作治理 切入点:纠纷解决机制 出处:《广东外语外贸大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's social economy has made all-round development and many new models have emerged in the field of economic development.Inter-government cooperation is to make up for the gap in regional development and to reduce administrative barriers in the course of economic and social development. The new governance model used to realize the trans-regional flow of economic elements has played an important role in dealing with inter-governmental problems. However, the concept of inter-governmental cooperation governance has not been specifically stipulated in the current laws of our country. In practice, most of the laws and regulations applied to the governance of inter-governmental cooperation are applied to other laws and regulations. The definition of the concept of inter-governmental cooperative governance has not yet been unified in academic circles. The research on specific dispute resolution methods is lack of thorough and meticulous research. This study takes the important link in the governance of inter-governmental cooperation-dispute resolution mechanism as the starting point, uses the literature research method and the comparative research method. This paper discusses the mechanism of dispute resolution in inter-governmental cooperation management. This paper consists of five chapters: the first chapter gives a brief introduction to the reasons and significance of the research, the current research situation at home and abroad, and the research ideas and methods; Chapter 2 defines the concept of inter-governmental cooperative governance and analyzes the connotation of inter-governmental cooperative governance dispute by analyzing the concept of inter-governmental cooperation and cooperative governance. Chapter 3 analyzes the disputes existing in inter-governmental cooperative governance. It also defines the nature of inter-government cooperation in dispute management, and divides the dispute into three categories, that is, between local government and local government, on the basis of the necessity of analyzing the types of disputes. The fourth chapter mainly introduces the current situation of inter-government cooperation in the management of disputes in China, starting from the theory and practice. In chapter 5, the author puts forward the way to get rid of the dilemma of inter-governmental cooperation in dispute management-arbitration, and on the basis of the previous analysis of the mechanism of inter-governmental cooperation and dispute resolution in China. Put forward the concrete idea of constructing arbitration settlement mechanism.


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