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发布时间:2018-03-16 07:01

  本文选题:视听资料 切入点:电子数据 出处:《燕山大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国现行《民事诉讼法》与《刑事诉讼法》都将电子数据从视听资料中独立出来作为一项法定的证据种类加以明确规定,然而对于此类证据的运用在我国却并不是很成熟,我国至今没有一套完整的法律规定来对两者的概念、外延以及在司法实践中的具体运用所存在的区别作出相应的完善,致使理论与实践当中对两者的关系争执不休,有取代说,包含说与共存说三种观点。因此利用视听资料与电子数据信息来解决民事法律纠纷以及侦破犯罪案件出现了很多的难题,相应地也给相关的司法实践带来一定的困难。 针对此问题,文章分为四个部分来进行研究,第一部分对视听资料与电子数据的关系的研究意义进行了阐述,,并且对这两种证据关系的国内外研究现状进行了归纳与总结;第二部分对视听资料与电子数据的基础原理进行了概述,对两者的相关原理进行了对比,主要从两者的内涵、特征与分类进行了对比;第三部分对视听资料与电子数据关系模糊的表现及成因进行了分析,表现主要从两者的外延与证据规则两个方面入手,成因主要从视听资料与电子数据的科技成因、法定种类与分类交叉三个方面进行了论述;第四部分主要是解决我国视听资料与电子数据关系模糊的建议,对外国的相关规定进行了研究与分析,必须结合我国的实践情况,最后从不同的角度出发得出我国可以采取取代说(电子数据取代视听资料)与并存说(两者同时存在)两种解决方法,对二者的关系予以厘清,以正确地发挥视听资料与电子数据在司法实践当中的应有作用。
[Abstract]:The current Civil procedure Law and the Criminal procedure Law of our country make the electronic data independent from the audio-visual material as a legal kind of evidence. However, the application of this kind of evidence in our country is not very mature. So far, China has not had a complete set of legal provisions to perfect the concept, extension, and the differences existing in the specific application of the two in judicial practice, resulting in a dispute over the relationship between the two in theory and practice, which has been replaced by the theory. Therefore, the use of audio-visual materials and electronic data information to solve civil legal disputes and solve criminal cases has appeared a lot of difficulties, which also brings some difficulties to the relevant judicial practice. In order to solve this problem, the article is divided into four parts to study the relationship between audio-visual materials and electronic data, and the research status of the relationship between the two kinds of evidence at home and abroad is summarized and summarized in the first part. The second part summarizes the basic principles of audio-visual data and electronic data, compares the related principles, mainly from the connotation, characteristics and classification of the two. The third part analyzes the expression and causes of fuzzy relationship between audio-visual data and electronic data, mainly from the extension of the two and the rules of evidence, the causes are mainly from the audio-visual materials and electronic data of the scientific and technological causes. The 4th part is mainly about the suggestion to solve the fuzzy relationship between audio-visual materials and electronic data in China, and studies and analyzes the relevant regulations of foreign countries, which must be combined with the practical situation of our country. Finally, from different angles, it is concluded that China can adopt two solutions: substitution theory (electronic data instead of audio-visual material) and coexistence theory (both exist at the same time), and clarify the relationship between the two. In order to play the proper role of audio-visual materials and electronic data in judicial practice.


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