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发布时间:2018-03-17 01:24

  本文选题:法官 切入点:自由裁量权 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The conceptual jurisprudence, which originated at the beginning of 19th century, praised the certainty and logical self-sufficiency of law to the extreme. At that time, jurists thought that there was a complete unity between the upper concept and the lower concept of law, and there was no loophole in the law. Even if there is no lower concept that can be applied to specific cases, it can be abstracted from the upper concept. But by the end of 19th century and early 20th century, with the development of capitalism, People have long believed in the basic belief that "law is certain", which has been constantly attacked and suspected by postmodernism, positivism and relativism. Especially in the debate between Hart and Dworkin about whether there is the only right answer to the law. Jurists are gradually beginning to consider whether there is an inevitable legal loophole in legislation. And how do we close these holes? Do judges have the power of discretion in the face of vague and uncertain legal norms? The answer is very positive. The Code is not perfect, and judges cannot rely on logical reasoning alone to get correct and convincing conclusions. Practice has proved that the discretion of judges is an objective phenomenon in the administration of justice. Not only can the uncertainty of the law be turned into certainty, but individual justice can also be maximized. However, in the trial of a case, there will also be a variety of phenomena, such as judges' failure to exercise or abuse their discretion, etc. If the judge can not exercise the discretion of reasonable regulation, not only is not conducive to the settlement of disputes, but also will intensify social contradictions, seriously damage the authority of the law and public trust in the judiciary. As a result, the judge's discretion becomes the evil of ruining the rule of law and trampling on justice. It ensures the judge to exercise the power correctly and reasonably, avoids the abuse of power, realizes the reasonable restriction on the judge's discretion, and then realizes the unification of the judgment standard. It is one of the most important topics that need to be solved in the judicial theory and practice of our country at present. In the course of discussing the development course and theoretical basis of the judge's discretion, this paper seeks the profound connotation of the judge's discretion. This paper analyzes the performance and problems of the judge's discretion in the current judicial process of our country, and then finds out the reasons that affect the exercise of the judge's discretion. This paper looks for the way and development direction of the exercise of the judge's discretion, and puts forward some normative opinions for the construction of the socialist road of ruling by law.


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