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发布时间:2018-03-22 10:09

  本文选题:逮捕 切入点:条件 出处:《贵州民族大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:逮捕条件的完善是2012年对逮捕制度修改中的重要部分。逮捕条件体现了逮捕的层次性,也关系到逮捕与监视居住、取保候审之间的转化,逮捕的严厉性决定了逮捕条件的适用要慎重。要对此次《刑事诉讼法》(以下简称《刑诉法》)的改革精神以及司法适用有更深入的理解和把握,对逮捕条件改革涉及的适用问题进行分析显得尤为重要。改动后的《刑诉法》对逮捕条件进行了详细解释。逮捕条件的适用影响逮捕这一决定,假如不当运用,出现错捕、漏捕,,势必造成对公民人权,如人身权和民主权的损害。在实践中,修正案关于逮捕条件部分如何能够得到准确地适用是现阶段研究逮捕条件的重要任务。所以,本论文在分析逮捕条件适用现状及问题的基础上,以人权保障理念和正当程序理念为指导,提出逮捕条件适用的若干建议,希望能够给学术界在关于逮捕条件理论研究方面提供自己微薄的贡献,此外,还希望通过自己的研究能够给实务部门提供若干可行性的参考。 本论文从理论规范以及具体实施操作层面展开分析,以逮捕条件中的各种要件法律规定的适用情况为核心,通过联系相关理论,反思我国逮捕条件适用时存在的问题及原因,提出解决问题的具体设想。 本论文的写作具体分为逮捕条件适用现状分析、适用逮捕条件的理论依据分析和准确适用逮捕条件的对策分析三部分,共计3.5万字左右,现简要介绍如下: 第一部分是逮捕条件适用现状分析部分,主要对我国逮捕条件适用的现状、问题及原因进行探讨。我国逮捕条件适用现状主要是对逮捕率、社会危险性审查、径行逮捕条件适用和捕后处理结果四个方面进行现状描述,总结了我国逮捕条件适用中证据要件的审查标准上仍存缺陷、逮捕必要性条件的认定被虚无化、径行逮捕条件适用方法亟待解决、转化逮捕例外条件的适用存疑惑等问题,进而归纳了产生这些问题的原因,归纳为立法缺陷原因、工作机制原因和思想观念原因三个方面,并就每一方面进行深入地展开分析。 第二部分是适用逮捕条件的理论依据分析部分,着重于人权保护理论和正当程序理论对逮捕条件适用的指导意义进行分析。探讨了现代社会逮捕条件的价值取向、对逮捕条件适用的指导作用以及如何发挥逮捕应有的作用,要准确适用逮捕的前提是准确理解逮捕适用所依据的基本理念,本论文对人权保障理论和正当程序理论的内涵以及法律依据进行分析,从本质上提高司法工作人员对适用逮捕的认识,减少司法错误和司法浪费。 第三部分是准确适用逮捕条件的对策分析部分,主要从准确把握逮捕条件的适用方法、逮捕审查工作机制的完善和逮捕条件适用相关配套制度的完善三个方面进行探讨。在准确把握逮捕条件的适用方法方面,对证据审查标准、刑罚要件立法价值、社会危险性条件评估机制、酌定逮捕条件的具体适用方法进行分析;在逮捕审查工作机制的完善方面,着重对保障辩护律师的介入、抗辩机制的引入、听证制度的构建和逮捕审查的监督进行探讨;在逮捕条件适用相关配套制度的完善方面,提出了通过增强逮捕必要性审查的实践效果、充分发挥案例指导制度潜在实践价值和加快落实风险性追责考核机制来完善相关的配套机制。
[Abstract]:Improving the conditions of arrest is an important part of the 2012 amendments to the arrest system. The arrest conditions reflects the level of the arrest, but also related to the arrest and residential surveillance, the transformation between the bail, the harshness of the arrest is suitable to determine the conditions of arrest should be cautious. To the "criminal procedure law" (hereinafter referred to as the "the Criminal Procedure Law >) the spirit of reform and judicial application have more in-depth understanding and grasp, to analyze the applicable conditions of arrest relates to reform is particularly important." Criminal Procedure Law > after a detailed explanation of the arrest conditions. Effects of the conditions of arrest for the arrest of the decision, if improperly used, there wrong, leakage capture, will cause the human rights of citizens, such as personal rights and democratic rights damage. In practice, the amendment of the conditions of arrest can be part of how to accurately apply is an important study of arrest The task of this thesis. So, the application conditions for arrest status and problems in the analysis, the concept of human rights protection and due process concept as guidance, puts forward some suggestions for the conditions of arrest, hope to be able to in the academic circle about the arrest of theoretical research on the condition of providing their own modest contribution, in addition, also hoped that this research can to provide some reference for the feasibility of practice department.
This paper from the theory of norms and operational level implementation analysis for various factors of the legal provisions of the conditions of arrest as the core, through the related theory, the existing problems and the reasons for the arrest conditions reflect our country's concrete ideas put forward to solve the problem.
The writing of the thesis is divided into three parts: the analysis of the application of arrest conditions, the theoretical basis of applying the arrest conditions and the analysis of the countermeasures to accurately apply the arrest conditions. The total amount is about 3.5 words.
The first part is the present situation of the applicable conditions of arrest analysis, mainly on the current application of the arrest conditions in our country, discusses the problems and reasons. The current application of the arrest conditions in our country are mainly on the arrest rate, social risk review, arrest and capture conditions for postprocessing results of four aspects of the situation described, summarized the evidence requirements our application of the conditions of arrest review standards are still defects, identified the condition of the arrest necessity is nihility, arrest conditions for the method to be solved, the transformation of exception conditions for arrest doubt and confusion, and then summarizes the causes of these problems, summed up the legislative defects, three aspects of work mechanism the reasons and ideas, and every aspects of in-depth analysis.
The second part is the theoretical basis for the analysis of the conditions of arrest, focusing on the protection of human rights theory and the theory of due process of the arrest conditions applicable guidance were analyzed. Discusses the value orientation of modern society on the guiding role of the conditions of arrest, arrest the conditions and how to play its due role to arrest, accurate application of arrest is the premise of accurate understand the basic concept of the arrest is the basis, this paper analyzes the connotation of human rights theory and the theory of due process and legal basis, fundamentally improve the judicial personnel to apply the arrest of understanding, reduce errors and waste of judicial justice.
The third part is the Countermeasures of accurate application of arrest conditions analysis, mainly from the application method of accurate grasp of the conditions of arrest, arrest review mechanism and improve the conditions of arrest for the perfection of related system in three aspects. In the accurate grasp of the conditions of arrest for methods, review of the evidence standard, the penalty element legislative values. The condition of social risk assessment mechanism, the specific method for discretionary arrest conditions were analyzed; in improving the working mechanism of the review of arrest, focusing on security defense lawyer involved in the defense mechanism, the introduction of the hearing system, construction and supervision of the investigation and arrest were discussed; improve the application of the related system in the conditions of arrest, put forward by strengthening the review of arrest necessity results in practice, give full play to the potential value and practice of case guidance system to accelerate the implementation of risk Responsible for the mechanism to improve the relevant supporting mechanism.



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