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发布时间:2018-03-22 20:28

  本文选题:已决犯 切入点:逮捕 出处:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:It is rare in criminal theory to discuss the procedure for a convicted offender to repeat a new crime or to discover a missing crime, especially when a convicted offender has multiple identities such as suspect, defendant and criminal, etc. How to start the criminal responsibility for new crimes or omissions is very few. In judicial practice, whether the selection of litigation procedures or the specific application of sentencing, In the final analysis, it is necessary to make a clear distinction between the specific identity of the parties and the litigation stage. If no distinction is made between the nodes, it will lead to the investigation and handling of cases, the detention period, the uncertainty of the trial period, and the lack of scientific and reasonable calculation of the term of the sentence. The thesis is divided into three parts: the first part leads to the realistic demand and value meaning of the system of "suspension of sentence" through the consideration of "three issues"; The second part examines and puts forward the system of "sentence suspension", and proves the necessity and rationality of the system. The third part discusses the concrete construction and procedure setup of "sentence suspension" system in detail. According to the spirit of establishing and perfecting judicial coordination system and guarantee system of carrying out the criminal policy of leniency and severe punishment in the "three five year Reform outline" of the Supreme Court, In line with the concept of equal emphasis between entity and procedure and the need to protect human rights, the new judicial system of "suspension of sentence", which is a relatively comprehensive judicial system, has been constructed step by step and gradually extended, that is, under the premise of insisting on the mandatory and severe nature of punishment, Recognizing the objectivity, complexity and progressiveness of the process of execution of penalties, by suspending ongoing penalties, if necessary, and leaving the design of the system to continue after the conditions of suspension have disappeared in the future, To realize the compatibility and complementarity between the legal spirit and the objective needs. In this way, not only can we clearly distinguish between the period of serving a sentence, the period of investigation, the period of custody, the period of litigation, but also provide convenience for the judge to calculate his sentence clearly. It not only guarantees the realization of procedural justice and substantive justice, maintains the legal rights of defendants, but also embodies the economic principle of litigation. To provide a new perspective for the revision of criminal proceedings.


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