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发布时间:2018-03-25 05:05

  本文选题:随机分案为主 切入点:指定分案为辅 出处:《学术论坛》2017年04期

[Abstract]:Due to the drawbacks of the traditional court division system in our country, the people's court is carrying out the reform of the case division system in various ways, and there exists the excessive pursuit of formal justice in the process of dividing cases. However, ignoring the phenomenon of substantive justice in the outcome of the case handling, especially the complicated and difficult cases, makes the judicial credibility of this kind of cases still have room for improvement; aiming at the current situation of the judges in the grass-roots courts in China and the needs of different cases, With regard to criminal cases that can be transferred to trial jurisdiction, it is necessary to establish successful experience in the reform of court division cases, which are mainly composed of randomly divided cases, at the same time, to retain the necessary case assignment right of the president of the criminal tribunal, and to implement the system of transferring cases to trial jurisdiction. Strengthen the guidance of typical cases and give the litigants the right to request the cases to be transferred to trial jurisdiction.
【作者单位】: 河北师范大学法律系;


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