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发布时间:2018-03-26 11:45

  本文选题:取保候审 切入点:适用 出处:《贵州民族大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:《刑事诉讼法》(以下简称《刑诉法》)修正案关于取保候审法律条文修改的幅度不是很大,增减的主要内容有:取保候审条件中增加了一项;保证金数额的确定依据作了原则性的概括;保证人责任的履行形式变动较小;被取保候审人的义务内容新增了部分条款等。修正案自2013年正式开始实施,这些内容的修改势必会在实践中产生新的难题,再加上近些年来实务部门在适用取保候审过程中存在的某些问题沉积至今没有得到有效的解决,这使得实务部门适用取保候审的难度加大,对修改后的《刑诉法》的正确实施提出更加严峻的挑战。基于此,笔者决定结合《刑诉法》2013年实施以来笔者对部分地区调查取得的数据,通过对现有的相关资料文献进行整理和思考,在此基础上创作本文。 新修改的《刑诉法》自2013年1月1日起实施,距今一年有余。本论文主要探讨的是关于取保候审的适用问题,因修正案实施不久,写作的中心原则应当是避开对立法缺陷和完善建议的探讨,着重根据现有法律条文和相关司法解释的内涵,在对立法精神进行正确解读的基础上,在已有立法制度框架下,在取保候审各个程序阶段,以加强各项监督力度和执行力度为行文的主线,对取保候审的适用问题及原因进行分析,对指导取保候审适用的理论进行阐述,进而提出解决取保候审适用问题的若干建议,希望能够给学术界贡献自己浅薄的见解,给实务部门一些适用参考。 本论文对取保候审适用问题的研究分为适用问题分析、适用取保候审的基本理念和解决适用问题的建议三部分,共计3.5万字左右,现简要介绍如下: 第一部分是取保候审适用问题分析部分,,重点探讨了适用现状、问题及原因。 取保候审适用现状主要表现为三个方面:一是取保候审的适用率和社会认知度整体提高;二是担保方式选择的倾向性明显;三是执行监管的实施情况不乐观。存在的问题总结为五个方面,包括:取保候审程序功能被异化、担保效果不理想、执行监管困难多、权利救济有缺漏、监督机制不健全。在总结问题的基础上,笔者归纳了出现上述问题的原因,主要是三个方面:第一,包括社会危险性判断标准和保证金数额范围等在内的立法缺陷的原因;第二,取保候审工作机制的制约产生了取保候审被不当适用的情况;第三,从取保候审实施主体的执法理念、监管和制裁力度三个方面分析实施主体的制约原因。 第二部分是适用取保候审的基本理念部分,重点探讨了人权保障理理念和正当程序理念对取保候审的指导意义。 在人权保障理念部分,在阐述诉讼参与人依法享有的人权内容和三机关在刑事诉讼中承担的人权保证责任的基础上,指出了人权保障理念在司法队伍执法观念的提高、程序操作中人权意识的加强、监督制约意识的提高三个方面具有重要的指导意义。 在正当程序理念部分,正当程序理念在取保候审程序上的体现主要包括程序建构要合法合理、最大限度保障人权、要对权利进行限制三个方面。对取保候审适用的价值主要体现在它是公民权利实现的有效途径、是权力制衡的需要、是法律实质正义的客观要求。对取保候审适用的指导意义主要集中在确保程序主体的正当性、实施程序的正当性两个方面。 第三部分是解决适用问题的建议部分,重点探讨了如何完善取保候审的工作机制、担保效果、监管力度和监督机制四个方面的措施。 完善工作机制方面,主要分为申请程序机制、裁决程序机制和社会危险性评估机制三个方面。申请程序机制主要是探讨了申请者权利救济措施,目前申请人的救济权利主要是《高检规则》第574条件的规定内容,救济渠道狭窄;裁决程序机制主要是要加强办案人员的人权保障意识和构建以权力制约、监督为前提的合理的内部审批结构;社会危险性评估机制主要是从犯罪嫌疑人的刑法实体角度、主观态度角度、对诉讼活动施加的风险性大小角度等五个角度进行方法探讨。 完善担保效果方面,主要是结合担保方式的合法性、强制性和保障性三个特征,提出了选择担保方式的两个依据包括:程序保障理念和便于监管;进一步阐述保证人责任的相关内容。 完善监管力度方面,主要是进一步明确了“市、县”、“场所”、“会见或通信”的概念外延,分析了社会机构辅助监管和电子监管两种手段的可行性。 完善检察监督机制方面,强化法律监督的意识,从权力源头有效及时地对不当取保候审的公权力行为进行纠正,保证取保候审的程序意义得到实现;提升法律监督能力,准确地实施法律,正确地引导取保候审程序功能地实现;通过建设内部和外部信息交流平台,以此拓宽法律监督渠道,使检察机关更全面、更客观地在多渠道反映来的事实的基础上纠正不当的取保候审程序行为。
[Abstract]:The amendment of the amendment to the Law of Criminal Procedure ( hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Procedure Law ) concerning the amendment of the legal provisions of the guarantor pending trial is not very large , and the main contents of the increase or decrease are as follows : one is added to the conditions of the guarantor pending trial ;
The determination basis of the margin amount is summarized in principle ;
The change of the performance form of the guarantor ' s responsibility is small ;
Since the implementation of the amendments since 2013 , the amendment of these contents will inevitably create new challenges in practice , which makes it difficult for the substantive departments to solve some problems existing during the application of the guarantor pending trial , which makes the substantive departments more difficult to put forward the correct implementation of the revised Criminal Procedure Law . Based on this , the author makes a decision to organize and think about the existing relevant information documents , and to create this paper .

This paper mainly discusses the application of the new modified criminal procedure law from January 1 , 2013 . In the light of the application of the amendment , the central principle of writing should be to avoid the discussion of the defects of legislation and the perfection of the proposal . On the basis of the correct interpretation of the legislative spirit , the paper expounds the applicable problems and causes of the guarantor pending trial , and then puts forward some suggestions to solve the application of the guarantor pending trial , and hopes to contribute to the academic community to make a contribution to its shallow opinions and give some useful references to the substantive departments .

The thesis is divided into the applicable problem analysis , the basic idea of applying the guarantor pending trial and the suggestion of solving the applicable problems , which is about 35,000 words , which is briefly introduced as follows :

The first part is the analysis part of the application of the guarantor pending trial , and focuses on the application of the present situation , the problems and the causes .

The current status of the application of the guarantor pending trial mainly includes three aspects : one is the application rate of the guarantor pending trial and the overall improvement of the social cognition degree ;
Second , the choice of guarantee mode is obvious ;
Third , the implementation of supervision is not optimistic . The existing problems are summarized into five aspects , including the differentiation of the function of the guarantor pending trial process , the unsatisfactory security effect , the implementation of many difficulties , the absence of the right remedy and the imperfection of the supervision mechanism . On the basis of summarizing the problems , the author summarizes the reasons for the above problems , which is mainly three aspects : the first , including the social risk judgement standard and the margin amount range and so on ;
Second , the restriction of the working mechanism of the guarantor of the guarantor of the guarantor of the guarantor of the guarantor of the guarantor is the case of improper application of the guarantor pending trial ;
Thirdly , the restriction reason of implementing the subject is analyzed from three aspects : law enforcement concept , supervision and sanction strength .

The second part is the basic idea of the application of the guarantor , and the guiding significance of the concept of human rights and the concept of due process on the guarantor pending trial are discussed .

On the basis of the concept of human rights guarantee , on the basis of elaborating the content of human rights and the responsibility of human rights guaranteed by the three organs in criminal proceedings , this paper points out that the concept of human rights guarantee has important guiding significance in the improvement of the law enforcement concept , the strengthening of human rights consciousness in the procedure operation and the improvement of supervision and restriction consciousness .

In the concept of due process , due process idea mainly includes the procedural construction to be legal and reasonable , the maximum guarantee of human rights , and the restriction on the rights . The value of the application of the guarantor awaiting trial is mainly reflected in the objective requirement of the realization of the right of power , which is the objective requirement of the substantive justice of the law . The guiding significance for the application of the guarantor is mainly in ensuring the legitimacy of the procedural body and the legitimacy of the procedure .

The third part is to discuss how to perfect the working mechanism , the guarantee effect , the supervision force and the supervision mechanism .

In the aspect of improving the working mechanism , it is mainly divided into three aspects : the application procedure mechanism , the adjudication procedure mechanism and the social risk evaluation mechanism . The application procedure mechanism mainly discusses the remedy measures of the applicant ' s rights . At present , the applicant ' s right to relief is mainly the content of the provisions of Article 574 of the Rules of the High Inspection Rule , and the relief channel is narrow ;
The mechanism of adjudication procedure is to strengthen the awareness of human rights guarantee and construct reasonable internal examination and approval structure based on power restriction and supervision .
The social risk assessment mechanism is mainly from the angle of the criminal law entity of the criminal suspect , the subjective attitude angle , the risk size angle applied to the litigation activity , and so on .

In the aspect of improving the security effect , it is mainly based on three characteristics of legality , mandatory and supportability of the guarantee method , and puts forward two bases for selecting the guarantee method , including : procedural safeguard idea and easy supervision ;
The relevant content of the guarantor ' s responsibility is further elaborated .

In the aspect of improving supervision , the concept extension of " city , county " , " site " , " meeting or communication " is further clarified , and the feasibility of social institution - aided supervision and electronic supervision is analyzed .

To perfect the procuratorial supervision mechanism , strengthen the consciousness of the legal supervision , correct the public power behavior of the improper taking - keeping in a timely manner from the source of power , and ensure that the procedural meaning of the guarantor pending trial is realized ;
To improve the ability of legal supervision and to implement the law correctly and correctly guide the function of the guarantor pending trial ;
Through the construction of internal and external information exchange platforms , this will broaden the channels of legal supervision and make the procuratorial organs more comprehensive and more objective to correct the misconduct on the basis of the facts reflected in the multi - channel .



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