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发布时间:2018-03-30 21:51

  本文选题:附带性审查 切入点:违法性继承 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Illegal inheritance occurs in the presence of several administrative acts with legal order, the court can be based on the illegality of the first administrative act, the revocation of the latter administrative act.The theory originated from Germany, through the development of postwar Japan, formed the general theory of illegal truncation and illegal inheritance, and developed the criterion of substantive judgment and procedural guarantee.With the development of the society, the development of administrative efficiency puts forward higher and higher requirements for administrative organs, multi-sector participation, the use of various administrative means, multi-sector, multi-subject union gradually become the normal.In the face of the increasingly complex administrative acts, the judicial organs in the related administrative acts of judgment presents problems gradually revealed.The theory of illegal inheritance has profound practical significance for the application of law to solve such problems.Starting from the administrative litigation case, the author extracts many typical cases involving the examination of the related administrative act to clarify that the court in our country has not directly touched this theory in the case law.Occasional cases follow the path of illegal inheritance theory and have strong contingency.However, the author thinks that when the judicial organs are faced with the examination of related administrative acts in judicial practice, the theory of illegal inheritance is one of the insurmountable theoretical supports from the perspective of trial path.It is of great practical significance to introduce and transform the theory of illegal inheritance.According to the understanding of different dimensions of litigability of administrative act, the balance of public power of administrative act, the consideration of law stability and the pursuit of substantive justice, different courts make different judgment results by using trial technology.This obviously deviates from the call to unify the legal standards, ensure the uniform application of the law and maintain the judicial credibility.On the basis of discussing the relevant research of domestic scholars, and combing the related problems in Japan, the author proceeds from the range of illegal inheritance, the criterion of judgment, the constituent elements in order to have a deeper grasp of the theory.According to the conditions created by the newly revised Administrative procedure Law, a feasible way for judicial application of this theory is put forward within the framework of the current administrative litigation system in China.


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