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发布时间:2018-03-30 22:35

  本文选题:民事诉讼 切入点:诉前 出处:《苏州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:证据是不以人的意志为转移的客观存在,客观存在的事物很容易受到外界因素的干扰而失去本真。无论是自然因素还是人为因素都制约着证据的固定和保存,随着制约因素的不断累加,证据就会在潜移默化之中失去本真,这样势必会影响证据的证明力,导致案件的客观真实难以展示。如果证据得不到有效的保护,将会对当事人造成举证困难,也阻碍法院查明案件事实真相。为尽量减少此种情况的发生,还原案件的真实,便于法官作出公平公正的判决,设置证据保全制度,事先固定和保存证据是有必要的。 我国新修订的民事诉讼法中增加了诉前证据保全制度的规定,补足了之前只有诉中证据保全的缺漏,提高了民事诉讼中证据保全制度的完整性。本文先从诉前证据保全制度的理论基础开始谈起,简单概括了其概念、性质、类型,在此基础之上分析其存在的价值和功能;再从我国关于此制度的立法现状入手,结合我国的司法实践以及国外和我国台湾地区的立法现状来探讨我国民事诉前证据保全制度的适用问题;最后总结了诉前证据保全制度适用中应注意的问题并进行解析。
[Abstract]:Evidence is an objective existence which does not take the will of man as a shift, and the objective existence is easily disturbed by external factors and loses its truth.Both natural and human factors restrict the fixation and preservation of evidence. With the continuous accumulation of restrictive factors, the evidence will lose its authenticity in a subtle way, which will inevitably affect the proof power of the evidence.As a result, the objective truth of the case is difficult to show.If the evidence is not effectively protected, it will make it difficult for the parties to prove evidence and prevent the court from finding out the truth of the case.In order to minimize the occurrence of this situation, restore the truth of the case, facilitate the judge to make a fair and just judgment, set up a system of preservation of evidence, it is necessary to fix and preserve the evidence in advance.The new revised civil procedure law of our country has added the provisions of the system of preservation of evidence before litigation, which makes up for the lack of preservation of evidence only in litigation before, and improves the integrity of the system of preservation of evidence in civil proceedings.This paper begins with the theoretical basis of the system of preservation of evidence before litigation, briefly generalizes its concept, nature and type, analyzes its value and function on this basis, and then begins with the current legislative situation of this system in our country.Combined with the judicial practice of our country and the current legislative situation of foreign countries and Taiwan region, this paper discusses the application of the evidence preservation system before civil litigation in China, and finally summarizes the problems that should be paid attention to in the application of the evidence preservation system before litigation and analyzes it.


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