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发布时间:2018-04-01 21:38

  本文选题:取保候审 切入点:保释 出处:《吉首大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:取保候审是我国刑事诉讼五种强制措施中的一种,对我国刑事诉讼过程起着非常重要的作用。在刑事诉讼过程中,确立取保候审的目的不仅是为了诉讼的顺利进行,更重要的是为了实现公民的人身自由权。但是目前刑事诉讼法中关于取保候审的制度规定不完整,法律界定不明晰,给予司法机关很大的自由裁量权,导致我国取保候审高羁押率、低取保率的适用现状。在此过程中我国犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人权往往受到侵害。在2012年新修订的刑事诉讼法当中对取保候审也未作较大的改革,我国被追诉人的人权仍旧未能得到很好的保护。随着国际人权标准和法治发达国家对人权保护的呼声日益高涨,在发挥人权保障作用方面,我国取保候审制度越发显得举足轻重。相比之下,英美法系国家的保释制度在限制国家公权力的同时保障了公民个人人权,实现了程序正义,节约了司法资源。 为了更好的完善我国的取保候审制度,为了更有力地保障我国犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人权,本文主要是从立法理念和司法实践两方面着手,从宏观和微观两个维度出发,在剖析取保候审与人权保障关系的基础上,挖掘现行取保候审制度在设立本制度的立法理念层面与具体制度本身层面存有的一些痼疾,论述设立我国取保候审制度的法律功能与法律价值,,结合国际人权标准的有关规定,借鉴西方法治发达国家保释制度的优点,提出进一步完善我国取保候审的对策,以进一步解决我国取保候审制度仍然存在的问题。 本文首先阐述我国取保候审制度最基本概念的界定,包括取保候审的概念、取保候审的适用条件、取保候审的属性以及取保候审的功能,还有取保候审制度与人权保障二者之间的关系等等基本理论,使人们对取保候审这一制度有个全面了解。其次,论述当前我国取保候审制度在人权保障方面仍然存在的不足,并相应地分析存在这些不足的原因。再次,通过制度对比考察,讨论了国际人权标准中对刑事司法领域的取保候审制度的规定以及西方法治发达国家对保释制度的相关规定状况。最后,从价值理念层面、立法理论层面上论述在奉行人权理念的同时,如何重新认识和完善取保候审制度,使之更好地贯彻人权理念。
[Abstract]:Bail awaiting trial is one of the five compulsory measures in criminal procedure in China, which plays a very important role in the process of criminal procedure in our country.In the process of criminal proceedings, the purpose of establishing bail pending trial is not only for the smooth progress of the proceedings, but also for the realization of citizens' right to personal liberty.However, the system of obtaining bail pending trial in the current criminal procedure law is incomplete, the definition of the law is not clear, and the judicial organs are given great discretion, which leads to the application of high detention rate and low bail rate in our country.In this process, the human rights of suspects and defendants are often violated.In the newly revised Criminal procedure Law of 2012, there is no great reform on the bail pending trial, and the human rights of the persons prosecuted in our country are still not well protected.With the international human rights standards and the rule of law in developed countries for the protection of human rights voice is growing, in the role of human rights protection, the system of bail waiting for trial has become more and more important.In contrast, the bail system in common law countries not only limits the public power of the state, but also protects the individual human rights of citizens, realizes procedural justice and saves judicial resources.In order to better improve the system of obtaining bail pending trial in our country, in order to protect the human rights of suspects and defendants in our country, this paper mainly starts from two aspects of legislative idea and judicial practice, starting from the macro and micro dimensions.Based on the analysis of the relationship between bail pending trial and human rights protection, this paper explores some chronic problems existing in the current bail pending trial system at the level of the legislative concept of establishing this system and the level of the concrete system itself.This paper discusses the legal function and legal value of establishing the bail pending trial system in our country, combines with the relevant provisions of international human rights standards, draws lessons from the advantages of bail system in developed countries ruled by law in the west, and puts forward some countermeasures to further perfect the bail pending trial system in our country.In order to further solve the system of bail pending trial in China still exist problems.This paper first describes the definition of the most basic concepts of the system of obtaining bail pending trial in our country, including the concept of obtaining bail pending trial, the applicable conditions of obtaining bail pending trial, the attribute of obtaining bail pending trial and the function of obtaining bail pending trial.There is also the basic theory of the relationship between the system of bail pending trial and the guarantee of human rights, which makes people have a comprehensive understanding of the system.Secondly, it discusses the shortcomings of the current bail pending trial system in human rights protection, and analyzes the reasons for these deficiencies.Thirdly, through the comparative investigation of the system, this paper discusses the provisions of the international human rights standards on the system of bail in the field of criminal justice and the relevant provisions of the bail system in the developed countries with the rule of law in the west.Finally, from the value concept level, the legislative theory level discusses how to re-understand and perfect the bail pending trial system while pursuing the concept of human rights, so as to make it better carry out the human rights concept.


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