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发布时间:2018-04-04 06:15

  本文选题:消费民事公益诉讼 切入点:起诉主体 出处:《太原科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of social economy, a variety of violations of consumer rights and interests of events emerge in endlessly.In judicial practice, there are many cases of consumer civil public interest litigation with research value. Through the analysis of typical cases, we find that the scope of consumer civil public interest litigation in our country is narrow, and in practice it is difficult for consumers to protect their rights through public interest litigation.At the same time, the public interest in the field of consumption has its particularity, including not only the existing interests but also the interests that may be obtained in the future. The subject who enjoys the rights is also extensive and uncertain, resulting in the diversification of civil disputes of consumption in practice.In order to properly deal with consumer civil disputes, it is imperative to diversify the subject of consumer civil public interest litigation.In the common law system and the continental law system, the main body of consumer civil public interest litigation is concentrated in consumer individual, consumer group, procuratorial organ, administrative organ, which provides the reference blueprint for the diversification of consumer civil public interest lawsuit suing subject in our country.In addition, the new development of the theory of litigant's suitability, the theory of interest of litigation, the theory of litigation right and the theory of litigation trust have released the scope of the subject of prosecution and transferred the right of action to those subjects who have no direct interest in the case.It provides theoretical support for the diversification of prosecution subjects.Therefore, our country should construct a diversified mode of prosecution subject, endow consumer, procuratorial and administrative organs with the qualification of suing subject, relax the restriction on the qualification of consumer organization suing subject, so as to protect the rights and interests of consumers.


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2 吴肖亭;公益诉讼起诉主体研究[D];中国社会科学院研究生院;2014年




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