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发布时间:2018-04-06 00:34

  本文选题:少年司法 切入点:教育刑 出处:《中州学刊》2017年06期

[Abstract]:Fundamentally speaking, to perfect juvenile justice system is to adopt scientific idea, to set up and apply reasonable and proper judicial measures to minors who commit crimes.The present juvenile justice system of our country has not really established the concept of educational punishment in conformity with juvenile justice, although it has stipulated the principles of education, probation and rescue of juvenile delinquency, as well as the principle of handling cases mainly in education and supplemented by punishment.However, there is no alternative punishment for the purpose of education, so that the practice of juvenile delinquency can only be released.To solve this dilemma, it is necessary to establish the concept of education and criminal justice according to the characteristics of juvenile delinquency.On this basis, we consider how to set up compulsory educational measures and how to protect the rights and interests of minors while implementing compulsory educational measures.Following this train of thought, we should set up specific rules in our country's juvenile justice system, and set up special institutions, with professional personnel and material security, to ensure that the compulsory educational measures are standardized and applied, and the corrective effect is obtained.
【作者单位】: 美国埃默里大学法学院;


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