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发布时间:2018-04-08 18:51

  本文选题:消费者 切入点:网络购物 出处:《延边大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:网络购物,是指以互联网为交易平台,在此平台上销售者与消费者全过程交易实现无纸化,且整个交易过程具有效率高、成本低、快捷性、便利性的特点。这些特点的具备,使网络购物被越来越多的消费者接受并广泛使用,网络购物在交易市场中占据越来越大的比重。同时,网络购物不同于传统购物方式,具有虚拟性、时空跨地域性、网络技术性等特点。 我国在网络购物的立法规制方面以及政府合理监管等方面还存在稍许不足,使网络购物潜存不同程度的风险,这些风险不但影响网络购物所催生的网络经济的快速增长,而且也给我国现行网络购物中消费者权益的保护带来了巨大的挑战。 本文旨在研究我国现阶段对网络购物的消费者合法权益保护的若干问题。我国网络购物消费者权益受到侵害的主要原因有:身份认证体系不完善、电子证据的法律效力的确定、维权程序复杂、技术含量高、成本高昂、消费者的知情权难以实现、赔偿的强制力薄弱等。相比较来看,美国、韩国、日本等发达国家以及经济合作发展组织、欧盟等国际组织都已经对网络购物中消费者权益的保护建立了相应的制度,而我国在网络购物的消费者权益保护立法方面还存在诸多不足,最突出的就是还没有建立与之相适应的保护消费者权益方面的综合法律法规体系。因此,我们应该尽早建立完善网络购物方面的法律法规来更好的保护网络消费者的合法权益。 根据我国网络购物的实际现状,结合发达国家及国际组织立法的先进经验的比较借鉴,认为对我国网络购物中保护消费者的权益应通过以下几个方面来完善:构建网络信用机制和明确电子证据的法律效力、规范网络商家的行政监管制度、建立网络购物中销售者的准入和退出制度、推行便于消费者进行诉讼的政策、加强行业自律、推广在线争端解决机制等。
[Abstract]:Online shopping refers to the Internet as a trading platform, in which the seller and consumers realize paperless transaction in the whole process, and the whole transaction process has the characteristics of high efficiency, low cost, quickness and convenience.With these characteristics, online shopping is accepted and widely used by more and more consumers.At the same time, the network shopping is different from the traditional shopping mode, it has the characteristics of virtual, space-time and regional, network technology and so on.In our country, there are still some deficiencies in the legislative regulation of online shopping and the reasonable supervision of the government, which make the online shopping hidden in different degrees of risk. These risks not only affect the rapid growth of the network economy generated by the online shopping.Moreover, it brings great challenges to the protection of consumers' rights and interests in current online shopping in our country.The purpose of this paper is to study some problems of protecting the legal rights and interests of consumers in internet shopping in our country at present.The main reasons for the infringement of consumers' rights and interests on internet shopping in China are: the imperfection of identity authentication system, the determination of the legal effect of electronic evidence, the complexity of the procedure of safeguarding rights, the high technology content, the high cost, and the difficulty in realizing consumers' right to know.The force of compensation is weak, etc.In comparison, the United States, South Korea, Japan and other developed countries, as well as international organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the European Union, have all established corresponding systems for the protection of consumers' rights and interests in online shopping.However, there are still many deficiencies in the legislation of consumer rights and interests protection for online shopping in our country, the most outstanding one is that there is no comprehensive legal and regulatory system to protect consumers' rights and interests.Therefore, we should establish and improve the laws and regulations of online shopping as soon as possible to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of online consumers.According to the actual situation of our country's network shopping, combined with the advanced experience of developed countries and international organizations,The author thinks that the protection of consumers' rights and interests in our country's network shopping should be perfected in the following aspects: constructing the network credit mechanism, clarifying the legal effect of electronic evidence, standardizing the administrative supervision system of network merchants,The system of entry and withdrawal of sellers in online shopping should be established, the policy of facilitating consumer litigation should be carried out, the self-discipline of the industry should be strengthened, and the online dispute settlement mechanism should be promoted.


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