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发布时间:2018-04-09 12:37

  本文选题:刑诉法 切入点:社区矫正 出处:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:2012年3月14日,第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议审议通过《关于修改〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉的决定》,修正后的《刑事诉讼法》明确规定了对被判处管制、宣告缓刑、假释以及暂予监外执行四类刑事犯罪人适用社区矫正,这是我国在刑事诉讼中对社区矫正的立法确认,是社区矫正立法规范进程中的重要里程碑。 社区矫正作为非监禁刑的一种执行方式,其比传统的监禁刑能够更好地优化司法资源的配置,并在确保实现刑罚的惩罚性的同时,更注重对刑事犯罪人的人权保障和矫正感化。但从各地试点到推广多年的情况分析,由于该项制度尤其是其中的检察监督制度在相关制度设计及机制建设方面的不尽完善,社区矫正执法效果仍然有待进一步提高。针对实践中不时出现的服刑人员脱管、漏管现象,该项制度的实施也给刑事司法的公平正义带来了挑战。 本文综合运用理论分析法、比较研究法,结合刑事政策分析,以修正后的《刑事诉讼法》对社区矫正的新增规定为视角,以社区矫正检察监督及完善问题为研究要点,分四章进行具体阐述: 第一章为社区矫正检察监督的基本理论,阐述了社区矫正、社区矫正检察监督的基本内涵、特征、功能以及社区矫正的运行现状,提出完善社区矫正检察监督的现实必要性。 第二章为社区矫正检察监督的法律依据与实践现状,深入阐述了完善社区矫正检察监督的法理基础和现实可行性,并全面探析我国社区矫正检察监督立法、司法现状,随后重点阐述我国社区矫正检察监督的现实困境,包括立法困境、客观困境和监督机关存在的思想误区等自身困境。 第三章对域外社区矫正及其监督制度进行了考察,并通过总结对比,分析可为我国借鉴的域外经验。 第四章在前文深入分析困境及域外经验的基础上,最终提出我国社区矫正检察监督的相应完善路径,主要包括立法完善、监督机关主体建设及监督机制完善三方面内容。
[Abstract]:On 14 March 2012, the Fifth session of the Eleventh National people's Congress considered and adopted the decision on the revision of the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China.Proclamation of probation parole and temporary execution of four kinds of criminal offenders apply community correction which is the legislative confirmation of community correction in criminal proceedings and an important milestone in the process of legislative norms of community correction.Community correction, as an execution method of non-custodial punishment, can better optimize the allocation of judicial resources than the traditional imprisonment penalty, and at the same time, it pays more attention to the human rights protection and correction of criminal offenders.But from the pilot to the promotion of the situation for many years, because of this system, especially the procuratorial supervision system in the relevant system design and mechanism construction is not perfect, community correction law enforcement effect still needs to be further improved.The implementation of this system has also brought challenges to the fairness and justice of criminal justice.This article synthetically uses the theory analysis method, the comparative research method, the criminal policy analysis, takes the revised "Criminal procedure Law" to the community correction new stipulation as the angle of view, regards the community correction procuratorial supervision and the consummation question as the research key point.It is divided into four chapters:The first chapter is the basic theory of community correction procuratorial supervision, which expounds the basic connotation, characteristics, functions and operation status of community correction procuratorial supervision, and puts forward the practical necessity of improving community correction procuratorial supervision.The second chapter is the legal basis and practice status of community correction procuratorial supervision. It deeply expounds the legal basis and practical feasibility of improving community correction procuratorial supervision, and comprehensively analyzes the legislation and judicial status of community correction procuratorial supervision in China.Then it focuses on the practical difficulties of the procuratorial supervision of community correction in China, including the legislative dilemma, objective dilemma and the ideological misunderstanding existing in the supervision organs, and so on.The third chapter investigates the extraterritorial community correction and its supervision system, and through summing up and contrasting, analyzes the foreign experience that can be used for reference by our country.The fourth chapter on the basis of the previous in-depth analysis of the plight and extraterritorial experience, finally put forward the corresponding path to improve the procuratorial supervision of community correction in China, mainly including legislative improvement, supervision of the main body of the construction and supervision mechanism to improve the three aspects.


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