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发布时间:2018-04-10 15:46

  本文选题:错案 + 责任追究 ; 参考:《国家检察官学院学报》2017年01期

[Abstract]:The responsibility system of handling cases in the contemporary judicial system of our country provides the basis for the judicial organs to tailor themselves and to investigate the responsibility of judicial personnel for wrong cases.The illegal behavior of the case handler leads to the wrong case, although there is a false case investigation system and even the public declaration of lifelong investigation system, in fact, not many people are prosecuted.There are two opposite tendencies in judicial practice, which need to be corrected. One is the generalization of responsibility investigation. As long as the case is wrong, the judicial personnel should be held accountable without asking whether they are at fault, so that the mistakes that belong to cognition are also pursued.The second is the generalization of responsibility in another sense, that is, the judicial collective operation mode makes it difficult to investigate individual responsibility.As to the generalization of the former kind of judicial responsibility, the responsibility of handling a case must be limited to two aspects: one is to deliberately do it, the other is to show negligence, only belong to cognition, judgment but no other fault, do not investigate the responsibility of judicial personnel.In order to reverse the generalization of judicial responsibility in the latter sense, it is necessary to delegate the judicial power to the judicial personnel who undertake the case.In addition, sectoral interests and standard thinking is also the reason why the responsibility system is difficult to implement.This paper discusses the obstacle factors in the implementation of the responsibility of wrong cases, including the phenomenon that the whole people pays the bill for the wrong cases, and the system of recovering compensation from the responsible persons has not been implemented in the State compensation Law.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;


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