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发布时间:2018-04-11 09:16

  本文选题:非立法抽象行政行为 + 权力制衡 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Non-legislative abstract administrative behavior has become an important means for Chinese governments at all levels to carry out administrative management, and its number has increased sharply with the need of government management.However, the existing supervision mechanism in our country is difficult to effectively exert its supervisory and restrictive role on the non-legislative abstract administrative act, so that the phenomenon of illegal non-legislative abstract administrative act becomes increasingly serious, which is a serious disaster area where the administrative power is out of control and abuse.Therefore, in order to perfect the supervision system of non-legislative abstract administrative act, standardize the administration of administrative organs according to law, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, and construct the procuratorial supervision system of non-legislative abstract administrative act with Chinese characteristics, it has become the trend of the times.With regard to the procuratorial supervision of non-legislative abstract administrative acts, the academic research is increasing gradually and most scholars agree with the procuratorial supervision of non-legislative abstract administrative acts.This paper attempts to provide some ideas and suggestions for the construction of procuratorial supervision system of non-legislative abstract administrative act through systematic theoretical explanation.In addition to the introduction, this paper is divided into six parts: the first part briefly introduces the non-legislative abstract administrative act and procuratorial supervision system, and introduces the theoretical basis of establishing the procuratorial supervision system of non-legislative abstract administrative act.This paper theoretically analyzes the possibility of constructing procuratorial supervision system of non-legislative abstract administrative act in our country.The second part discusses the necessity and feasibility of establishing procuratorial supervision system of non-legislative abstract administrative act in China.The third part introduces the existing mode and problems of the supervision of the non-legislative abstract administrative act in our country.The fourth part introduces the practice of supervising non-legislative abstract administrative acts and the main ways of supervising non-legislative abstract administrative acts in several representative countries of Anglo-American law system and civil law system.This paper also analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the main supervision modes of the two legal systems, and sums up some enlightenments for the construction of the procuratorial supervision system of the non-legislative abstract administrative acts in our country.The fifth part puts forward the system design of procuratorial supervision system of non-legislative abstract administrative act through the above discussion and analysis and drawing lessons from foreign practical experience.In the sixth part, the author concludes that it is realistic and urgent to construct the procuratorial supervision system of non-legislative abstract administrative act in our country.


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