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发布时间:2018-04-12 23:08

  本文选题:强制医疗程序 + 司法化 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:刑事强制医疗是保安处分措施的一种,该制度的设立并非为了定罪处罚,而是基于“人本主义”与“社会防卫理论”而设立的旨在通过治疗精神疾病而保卫社会的强制措施。2012年《刑事诉讼法》正式在我国设立了刑事强制医疗程序,这是我国法治的巨大进步。然而,作为新生事物的刑事强制医疗程序存在制度性缺陷与现实性困境两大问题,需要理论界提出完善之方案。本文以此为出发点,以期能提出合理实际的建议。 本文分为五大部分,每一部分都以刑事强制医疗的完善为导向。 文章的第一章是“刑事强制医疗程序的基本概念”。在该部分,本文研究了刑事强制医疗程序的概念,指出了刑事强制措施是保安处分措施的一种,并且具有司法措施的性质,同时该部分还研究了刑事强制医疗程序的法理基础,,其法理基础是“社会防卫”与“人本主义”。 文章的第二部分与第三部分是“我国强制医疗程序的制度性缺陷”与“我国强制医疗程序的现实性困境”。在第二部分,本文指出了刑事强制医疗程序存在可操作性不强、权利缺乏救济以及司法化程度不足的制度缺陷制。在第三部分,本文指出了刑事强制医疗程序面临着精神病司法鉴定混乱、精神病医疗资源匮乏的现实困境。 文章的第四部分的主题是“刑事强制医疗程序域外立法例考察”。在该部分本文具体研究并介绍了英国、美国与德国的刑事强制医疗程序,并指出了其中可供借鉴的部分。 在上面四部分的基础之上,本文的最后一部分提出了本文关于完善刑事强制医疗程序的建议,分别是适用条件的规范化、适用范围的扩大化、鉴定主体的多元化、司法救济途径的多元化、执行机构的多样化五个建议。
[Abstract]:Compulsory criminal medical care is one of the measures of security measures, and the system is not established for the purpose of conviction and punishment.It is based on "humanism" and "social defense theory" to establish the compulsory measures to protect society by treating mental illness. In 2012, the Criminal procedure Law formally established the criminal compulsory medical procedure in our country.This is a great progress of the rule of law in our country.However, as a new thing, the criminal compulsory medical procedure has two major problems: institutional defect and realistic dilemma, which need to be improved by the theorists.This article regards this as the starting point, with a view to putting forward reasonable and practical suggestions.This article is divided into five parts, each part is oriented to the perfection of compulsory medical care.The first chapter is the basic concept of criminal compulsory medical procedure.In this part, the author studies the concept of criminal compulsory medical procedure, points out that the criminal coercive measure is a kind of security measure and has the nature of judicial measure. At the same time, this part also studies the legal basis of the criminal compulsory medical procedure.Its legal basis is social defense and humanism.The second and third parts of the article are "the system defect of compulsory medical procedure in our country" and "the realistic predicament of compulsory medical procedure in our country".In the second part, the author points out that the system of criminal compulsory medical procedure is weak in operability, lack of relief of rights and insufficient in the degree of judicature.In the third part, the author points out that the criminal compulsory medical procedure is facing the confusion of forensic expertise and the shortage of medical resources.The fourth part of the article is the subject of "Criminal compulsory medical procedures extraterritorial legislation investigation."In this part, the author studies and introduces the criminal compulsory medical procedures in Britain, America and Germany, and points out the parts that can be used for reference.On the basis of the above four parts, the last part of this paper puts forward the suggestions of perfecting the criminal compulsory medical procedure, which are the standardization of the applicable conditions, the expansion of the scope of application, the diversification of the appraisal subject.The diversification of judicial remedies, the implementation of the five recommendations for diversification.


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