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发布时间:2018-04-14 03:16

  本文选题:冤案 + 救济 ; 参考:《政法论坛》2017年01期

[Abstract]:In criminal proceedings in our country, once the innocent are wrongly found guilty by the public, prosecution and legal organs, it is often difficult to obtain effective remedies.There are two direct reasons for this problem: one is that the procedure of trial supervision is extremely difficult to start, the other is that the court trial is very difficult to correct the errors in the stage of investigation and prosecution.There are six deep reasons for this problem: first, the three organs of the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate, and the Court have unreasonable litigation status; the vertical structure of the three stages of investigation, prosecution and trial is seriously distorted; and second, the local party and government departments intervene in the handling of specific cases.It weakens and even cancels the inherent restriction mechanism of the criminal procedure; third, it is unreasonable to stipulate the trial and examination organ of the appeal retrial, which makes it difficult for the parties to initiate the retrial procedure;Fourth, the provisions of the State compensation Law on the organs of compensation obligations are unreasonable, resulting in the organs handling cases refusing to correct wrong cases in order to evade the obligation of compensation; fifthly, the setting of performance evaluation indicators for public security and judicial organs is unreasonable, leading to investigation and prosecution.The three organs of the trial were all one-sided in their pursuit of proof of guilt.In order to solve the problem that it is difficult to obtain remedy for grievance, it is necessary to systematically reconstruct the relevant system and procedure of criminal justice in our country.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;


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