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发布时间:2018-04-14 22:26

  本文选题:藐视法庭 + 当庭处罚权 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:当庭处罚权是某类藐视法庭罪的处罚模式。它起源于英国,而后被其他国家纳入到本国法律体系中。当庭处罚权授予法官立即处罚藐视法庭者的权力,这对于恢复被破坏的法律秩序从而保障法律的正当程序、确保司法公正有重要的意义。 只有针对发生在法庭之上的藐视法庭行为即直接藐视行为,法官方可适用当庭处罚权予以处罚。具体而言,它的适用范围包括:行为人扰乱法庭秩序的藐视行为;行为人侮辱、不尊重司法及司法人员的直接藐视行为;律师所为的直接藐视行为;陪审员所为的直接藐视行为;证人所为的直接藐视行为;行为人利用电子设备进行的直接藐视行为。 随着对当庭处罚权缺陷的进一步认识,法官的这项权力在西方国家遭到限制甚至被取缔。美国的当庭处罚权适用范围仅限于在微罪、紧急情况下,同时规定针对法官个人的直接藐视行为不得适用当庭处罚权;而欧盟随着2004年欧洲人权法院对Kyprianou v Cyprus案的审理最终基本上否定了当庭处罚权。 文化大革命后,我国在重构法律体系时将当庭处罚权纳入了我国法律体系中,不过直到2013年4月3日靖江市人民法院对王全璋律师适用当庭处罚权处罚一案发生后,我国才开始关注当庭处罚权。我国的当庭处罚权存在着缺乏对行为人的程序性权益保障、仅存在形式上的救济程序、法官滥用当庭处罚权的缺陷,需要在限制法官当庭处罚权的适用范围、完善我国相应的司法复议救济程序以及对法官适用当庭处罚权进行法律监督这三个方面着手规范。
[Abstract]:The right of punishment in court is the punishment mode of a certain kind of contempt of court.It originated in England and was incorporated into its own legal system by other countries.The power of punishment in court gives the judge the power to punish the contempt of court immediately, which is of great significance for restoring the damaged legal order and safeguarding the due process of law and ensuring the justice of justice.Only when the contempt that occurs above the court is the direct contempt, can the judge be punished by the power of punishment in court.Specifically, the scope of its application includes: the contempt of the perpetrator who disturbed the order of the court; the insult of the actor, disrespect for the judicial and judicial personnel's direct contempt; the direct contempt of the lawyer;Direct contempt by jurors; direct contempt by witnesses; direct contempt by the perpetrator using electronic equipment.With the further understanding of the defects of the power of punishment in court, the power of judges has been restricted or even banned in western countries.In the United States, the scope of application of the power of punishment in court is limited to petty crime, and in the case of emergency, it is stipulated that the direct contempt of a judge may not be applied to the power of punishment in court;With the 2004 European Court of Human Rights hearing in the case of Kyprianou v Cyprus, the European Union ultimately denied the power of punishment in court.After the Cultural Revolution, our country brought the right of punishment in court into our legal system when we reconstructed the legal system. However, it was not until April 3, 2013, when the people's Court of Jingjiang City applied the punishment in court to lawyer Wang Quanzhang.Our country only began to pay attention to the power of punishment in court.In our country, there is a lack of protection of procedural rights and interests of the person in court, only the form of relief procedure, the defects of the judge's abuse of the right of punishment in court, and the need to limit the scope of application of the right of punishment in court.Perfect our country's corresponding judicial reconsideration relief procedure and carry on the legal supervision to the judge to apply the right of punishment in court.


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1 张继成;从案件事实之“是”到当事人之“应当”——法律推理机制及其正当理由的逻辑研究[J];法学研究;2003年01期

2 陈永忠;浅议完善我国诉讼复议制度[J];电大教学;1997年05期




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