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发布时间:2018-04-15 05:15

  本文选题:保证期间 + 诉讼时效 ; 参考:《外交学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the research of guarantee contract, the limitation of guarantee period and guarantee debt is always a hot issue.There are also conflicts and ambiguities in legislation because of legislative technology and understanding of problems, which makes the theoretical and practical circles confused.Such as the provisions of Article 25, paragraph 2, of the Law of the people's Republic of China on Guaranty (hereinafter referred to as the "Guaranty Law") and the resolution of the issue concerning the application of the guarantee Law of the people's Republic of China promulgated by the Supreme people's Court on September 29, 2000.Interpretation > (hereinafter referred to as "the Law of Guaranty") Article 31,The provisions of Article 36 conflict with each other, resulting in confusion in the application of the law in judicial practice.The starting point of this kind of dispute is the concept and nature of guarantee period, and then the connection between guarantee period and limitation period of guarantee debt, and finally the correlation between the main contract and the limitation period of guarantee debt.This kind of argument often regards the guarantee period and the guarantee debt limitation as a theoretical problem, not a practical operation problem. In other words, we must solve the theoretical problem first, then we can guide the practice with the theory.Whether the conclusion of the system derived from a certain theory accords with the reality or not is of great benefit to the reality, but it is seldom discussed in detail.The system of guarantee period and the limitation of action of guarantee debt need to be continuously applied and tested in the process of judicial practice. Theoretical discussion can guide this process, but it cannot replace the fundamental role of practice in the development of legal system.This paper will start with the nature of the guarantee period, analyze the problems existing in the application of the guarantee period and the limitation period of the guarantee debt, first of all, briefly analyze the nature of the guarantee period, so as to make a comparison between the guarantee period and the period of limitation of action, except the period of limitation.It is pointed out that the guarantee period is an independent period form.On this basis, the starting point of guarantee and the limitation of guarantee debt are discussed.Among them, the starting point of guarantee period distinguishes between general situation and special case. The former refers to the situation that the guarantee obligation is not agreed upon, or is regarded as not agreed or unclear, and it also refers to the guarantee period and the time limit for the performance of the guaranty debt.The latter involves the expiration of the main debt performance period when the guarantee contract is established, the phased performance, the expected breach of contract, the maximum guarantee and so on.The limitation of surety debt pays attention to the difference between general guarantee and joint guarantee, and the relationship between the limitation of surety obligation and the limitation of main debt action.In this paper, we will refine and summarize the above theoretical problems in practice, clarify the relationship between the guarantee period and the limitation period, point out the defects in the legislation, and put forward some suggestions for amendment.


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