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发布时间:2018-04-16 14:25

  本文选题:合并仲裁 + 合并开庭 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:The first chapter mainly introduces the concept of merger arbitration and joint court session, analyzes the similar concepts, analyzes the relationship between them, and combs the development course of merger arbitration and combined court session.The second chapter analyzes the advantages and difficulties of combined arbitration and joint court.The advantages include avoiding inconsistent arbitration awards, safeguarding fairness, saving arbitration resources and improving arbitration efficiency.The dilemma mainly violates the autonomy of the parties, undermines the secret principle of arbitration, and is obstructed by the New York Convention.The third chapter discusses the arbitration rules and the current legislative situation of the combined arbitration and the joint session. From the legal provisions of the major countries in the world and the arbitration rules of the major international arbitration institutions, the paper studies the system of the combined arbitration and the combined court session.On the basis of the comparison and analysis of the provisions of our country's laws and arbitration rules on the merger arbitration and the combined court session, it is found that the provisions of the current law of our country on the system of the combined arbitration and the combined court session are in the legislative blank stage.Moreover, the main rules of arbitration in our country are not systematic in terms of merger arbitration and combined court session, which need to be improved urgently.Chapter four studies the design of arbitration rules for combined arbitration and joint session, respectively, from the applicable conditions of combined arbitration and joint session, the ownership of the decision, the appointment of arbitrators,The mechanism of arbitration award is constructed from the angle of making arbitration award and interacting with other systems.Chapter five studies the coordination between the system of merger arbitration and the system of combined court session and the revision of arbitration legislation in our country, and analyzes the difficulties in the development of merger arbitration and combined court session under the existing arbitration legislation of our country.This includes that the system of combined arbitration and combined session lacks the legal basis under our country's arbitration legislation, the scope of combined arbitration and joint session cannot be determined, the appointment of arbitrators is difficult, and the arbitral award is not easy to be recognized and enforced.Then, by summing up, drawing lessons from the experience of coordinated and combined arbitration in Anglo-American law, this paper probes into the corresponding measures to solve the above difficulties in our country's arbitration legislation harmoniously.


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