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发布时间:2018-04-19 01:24

  本文选题:立案登记制 + 民事诉权 ; 参考:《贵州民族大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the implementation of the registration system, on the one hand, the litigants are given a lower threshold of filing to resolve disputes, so that their right of action has more opportunities to be protected; on the other hand, it is easier to induce abuse of the right of action.To curb the abuse of civil litigation right is related to the legitimate rights and interests of the public, the full and effective use of the country's judicial resources, and the overall situation of social stability and judicial system reform, which should not be ignored.Therefore, China promulgated the Civil procedure Law in 2012 to punish the abuse of the right of action.However, the abuse of the right of action has its particularity in the background of the registration system, therefore, it should be based on grasping the present situation, the causes and the necessity of prevention and regulation of the abuse of the civil right of action.In order to solve this problem effectively, we should find out the preventive and regulatory measures to solve the problem of abuse of civil right of action, so as to prevent the abuse in advance, combine the discovery in the matter with the regulation after the event, and normalize it.In addition to the introduction and conclusions, this paper is divided into three parts to elaborate the topic.The second chapter is a general overview of the abuse of the civil right of action, starting with the understanding of the concept, including the concept of litigation and the concept of the right of action, and then defining the concept of abuse of the right of action.It includes the definition of civil right of action abuse in civil law system, the definition of abuse of civil right of action in common law system, the judgment standard of abuse of civil right of action and the responsibility of abuse of right of action.Finally, the paper analyzes the forms and characteristics of the abuse of the civil right of action in the background of the registration system, including the specific manifestation of the abuse of the right of action and the characteristics of the abuse of the right of action.The third chapter discusses the current situation and legal analysis of the abuse of civil right of action in China. Firstly, it summarizes the current situation of abuse of civil right of action by combing the investigation materials of some scholars and relevant media reports.Then on this basis, the causes of frequent abuse of civil right of action in China are analyzed, and the causes of frequent abuse of civil right of action in China in recent years are obtained. The main reasons include: lack of legislation, narrow scope of litigation.The relief of the right of action is weak, the consciousness of rights and responsibilities of the public is contradictory and the ability of litigation is insufficient, the legal regulation is not enough and the implementation of the registration system is not in place.The fourth chapter is based on the first two chapters, draw the conclusion that it is necessary to prevent and regulate the abuse of civil right of action, and put forward the effective measures to prevent and regulate the abuse of civil right of action in China.It mainly discusses the prevention of the abuse of the civil right of action and the regulation of the abuse of the civil right of action in order to solve the problems raised before.


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