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发布时间:2018-04-19 08:25

  本文选题:涉众 + 经济犯罪 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:长期以来犯罪被害人在刑事诉讼程序中一直处于被遗忘的状态,然而近年来呈高发态势的涉众型经济犯罪以鲜活的例子提醒公安司法机关必须直视被害人并充分保障其合法权益,否则被遗忘的被害人最终也将越来越漠视刑事诉讼程序,寻求诉讼外途径进行救济。涉众型经济犯罪被害人具有不同于普通犯罪被害人的复杂特征,且人数众多容易引发社会不稳定因素,目前的立法和司法现状难以有效应对这一特殊群体,许多案件的处理难以实现案结事了,被害人不断以上访甚至更为激烈的方式寻求救济,造成恶劣的社会影响,故而亟需寻求有针对性的解决方法以保障被害人权益,维护社会稳定。本文以已有的被害人保护研究成果为依据,结合司法实践,从涉众型经济犯罪被害人的特殊性出发分析目前立法与司法上的不足并提出自己粗浅的建议。 全文共分为三部分。第一部分主要分析涉众型经济被害人不同于普通被害人的特征,以说明被害人所需之保护不同于普通被害人。其特殊性表现为:犯罪本身的特性和被害人的贪利、从众心理导致被害人对犯罪防范能力弱,部分人因自身的过错而成为犯罪被害人,被害人内部多元化的诉求与公安司法机关重打击轻保护的办案理念之间存在冲突,被害人损失无法弥补时往往采用诉讼外途径如上访等方式进行救济。 第二部分着重探讨目前针对这类特殊被害人的权益保障工作面临的难题。目前立法上对被害人的概念、界定标准等未做规定,因而对于犯罪受害者是否具有法律意义上的被害人身份司法实践中存在不同做法。被害人人数众多,传统的办案观念加上诉讼成本和效率的限制,公安司法机关在保障被害人权利上较为消极。被害人受损的财产权的救济较为困难,公安机关追赃难度大,被害人无法提起刑事附带民事诉讼,对于诉讼终结后仍然无法弥补损失的情况,被害人救济无门。此外,,我国一直缺乏统一的对因犯罪导致生活困难的被害人的救助制度,地方的救助容易受到资金限制而难以长久生存。 第三部分针对目前存在的困境提出了相应的对策。主要包括在立法上确认被害人的具体含义并设立被害人认定程序,为被害人能够顺利参与到诉讼程序中提供通行证。将被害人诉讼权利保障情况纳入公安司法机关的考核体系,以期对办案人员起到激励和约束作用。在制度上借鉴民事诉讼中的代表人诉讼制度,解决涉众型经济犯罪中被害人过多的问题,为公安司法机关减少工作量,节约诉讼成本。在对被害人财产权利的救济上,除了加大追赃力度外,应当赋予被害人提起附带民事诉讼的权利,畅通表达诉求的渠道。在追赃和附带民事诉讼无法实现救济时,尤其是一些政府存在过错的案件中,应当由国家对被害人进行适当补偿,以责任的承担化解矛盾。针对因犯罪而致生活困难的被害人,自诉讼程序开始后应当及时启动救助程序,以保障被害人的正常生活。
[Abstract]:For a long time for victims of crime in criminal proceedings has been forgotten, but in recent years the high trend of economic crime with vivid examples remind the public security and judicial organs must be open and fully protect their legitimate rights and interests of victims, otherwise forgotten harm will eventually become more and more indifferent to the criminal procedure, pursuing litigation the way of relief. Economic crime victims with complex characteristics different from the ordinary crime victims, and the large number of easily lead to social instability, legislative and judicial status of the current difficult to effectively deal with this special group, with many cases difficult to achieve case, the victim constantly petitioners seeking relief even more intense, the adverse social impact, therefore it is necessary to seek a targeted solution to protect the rights of victims and maintenance Social stability. Based on the existing research results of victim protection, combined with judicial practice, this paper analyzes the deficiencies in legislation and Judicature from the particularity of the victims of economic crime, and puts forward some superficial suggestions.
The full text is divided into three parts. The first part mainly analyzes the characteristics of stakeholder economy is different from the ordinary victims of the victims, to protect the victims needed is different from the ordinary victim. The special characteristics and performance: victims of crime itself the greed, herd mentality causes the victim to crime prevention ability is weak, some people for your own mistakes and become victims of crime, there is a conflict between the internal diversified demands and public security and judicial protection against light weight is often used in the handling of the idea, litigation loss when the victim means such as petitions and other ways to remedy.
The second part focuses on the current for this kind of special victims rights protection work is facing problems. The concept of the legislation, define the standards failed to make provisions for victims of crime is the victim of judicial practice in the legal sense in different ways. The number of victims is numerous, the traditional concept of handling and the litigation cost and efficiency constraints, public security and judicial organs in the protection of victim rights relief was more negative. Damage to the victim's property rights is difficult, the public security organs stolen goods difficult, not the victim filed a criminal incidental civil action for the proceedings after the end still can not make up for the loss of the victim, without any kind of relief. In addition, there has been a lack of unified the difficulties of life caused by the criminal victim assistance system in China, local relief funds vulnerable to restrictions and difficult to long Existence.
The third part in view of the existing difficulties and put forward the corresponding countermeasures. Including the confirmation of the specific meaning of victims in the legislation and the establishment of the victim identification procedures, the victim can successfully participate in the proceedings in the pass. The victims' lawsuit rights protection into the public security and judicial appraisal system, in order to incentive and restraint the investigators. From the representative litigation system in civil litigation system, solve the problem of too many victims involved in the economic crime, as the public security organs to reduce the workload, save litigation costs. In the relief of property rights of the victim, in addition to increase the intensity of stolen goods, should give the victim filed an incidental civil right of action, smooth express channels. The incidental civil lawsuit in stolen goods and can not achieve relief, especially the government of the existence of fault case The victim should be properly compensated by the state, and the contradiction should be resolved by the responsibility. For victims who are living hardships due to crime, the relief procedure should be launched in time after the proceedings of the private prosecution are initiated, so as to safeguard the normal life of the victims.



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