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发布时间:2018-04-19 09:24

  本文选题:犯罪记录 + 封存 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:未成年人犯罪记录封存制度是我国2012年《刑事诉讼法》修改中新增加的内容,其目的是保护未成年人,促进其回归社会,同时也是预防犯罪的手段。犯罪记录封存不仅仅是刑事司法中简单的程序片段,它要达到的是一种社会效果。但从法律文本中看,该制度的规定较为简陋,立法空白较多,仅凭几句简单的条文就要达到如此巨大的社会效果显然是不现实的。从现有的学术成果来看,相关的研究集中在程序的构建方面,然而,在庞大的少年司法体系中,内部各个制度都是相互关联的,所要达到的是一致的效果,相互的配合必不可少。从刑事诉讼的阶段上看,犯罪记录封存属于刑事执行的范畴,注重的应当是实施效果。我国目前犯罪记录封存制度并不能满足这样的要求,必须在实践中加以完善。2012年《刑事诉讼法》刚刚生效不久,正是完善未成年人犯罪记录封存制度的良好契机。因此,笔者对实践中未成年人犯罪记录封存制度的运行状况进行了实证考察,发现其中的问题,并提出完善建议,同时试图引起相关制度的响应,达到“治疗”未成年人的社会效果。 本文除引言和结语外,正文共分为三个部分,约三万余字。 第一部分介绍未成年人犯罪记录封存的制度概况。刑罚对犯罪人的作用在于惩罚和教育两个方面,根本在于矫治犯罪,维护社会秩序。未成年人可塑性强,犯罪之后回归社会较为容易。我国基于对未成年人利益的保护,同时兼顾社会公共利益,采取了将犯罪记录封存的做法。2012年《刑事诉讼法》修改之前,司法实践中就已经开始了对未成年人犯罪记录封存制度的探索,但由于缺乏统一的法律规范,各地的做法不一,造成了地区法律差异。为了更好地实施未成年人犯罪记录封存制度,2012年《刑事诉讼法》将该制度写入法律,,但规定较为笼统。新法出台后,各地根据法律规定制定了较为详细的实施办法,积极将该制度落实。 第二部分考察未成年人犯罪记录封存制度的实践状况。本文的调研以C市P县为样本,参考该市其他地区的情况,调研内容涵盖适用条件、保密范围、决定程序和封存的解除几个方面。结果显示,各区县在程序本身落实较好,但互相之间在适用和具体操作上标准不一,封存效果难以保证。未成年人犯罪记录封存制度的问题在于相关制度本身存在缺陷或相互之间配合不紧密。第一,审前程序中侦查机关办案方法不当和媒体的不当报道,审判阶段对未成年人信息控制不合理,都会致使未成年人的犯罪信息缺乏前置保护,影响封存效果。第二,犯罪记录制度不健全,信息封存不到位。相关的档案管理脱节,信息封存不能全面覆盖未成年人生活领域。第三,查询的例外过多,“国家规定”、“办案需要”等表述过于模糊,致使封存效果不稳定。最后,相关责任不明确,导致部分人员意识不到问题的严重性,制度的落实情况无法保障。 第三部分提出完善未成年人犯罪记录封存制度的建议。针对犯罪记录封存制度中存在的问题,应当对相关的周边制度进行完善,使该制度不断体系化。第一,加强信息前置保护。侦查机关应当注意取证的隐蔽性,媒体行业应当加强自律,与公安司法机关在维护未成年人利益方面形成合力。把握审判公开的限度,在公开过程中正确处理涉及未成年人的相关信息。第二,完善相关的配套措施。健全犯罪记录制度,实现犯罪人员信息的统一管理,并将未成年人犯罪信息与成年人分开。确保犯罪记录封存与户籍档案、人事档案和学籍档案的衔接,保证封存到位。第三,限制查询范围。将“国家规定”限制为基本法律和行政法规,“办案需要”限于取证,不应当用于量刑,严格认定“相关单位”,规范查询程序,避免查询过程中信息的不当泄露。第四,明确责任追究机制,加重对违法、不当披露未成年人犯罪信息的处罚,对办案人员和社会公众形成强大的威慑力,提高其注意力,达到预防为主的效果,避免对未成年人的身心造成不必要的侵害。
[Abstract]:The minor criminal record storage system is China's criminal procedure law in 2012 < > in the newly added content, its purpose is to protect minors, promote their return to society, but also the prevention of crime. Criminal record storage is not only a simple procedure of criminal justice, it is to reach a social effect but from the legal text, the system provides more simple, more legislative gaps, with only a few simple rules to achieve such a huge social effect is obviously not realistic. From the existing academic achievements, the research focused on the construction of the program, however, in the huge juvenile justice in the system, each system are related to each other, to achieve the effect is the same, essential in conjunction with each other. From the stage of criminal procedure, criminal record sealed belongs to the category of criminal execution, Attention should be the implementation effect. China's current criminal record storage system can not meet the requirements, it must be improved in.2012 < Criminal Procedure Law > just soon take effect in practice, it is a good opportunity to improve the juvenile criminal record storage system. Therefore, the author makes an empirical study on the minor criminal record sealed the system in the practice operation, find the problems, and puts forward some improvement suggestions, at the same time to response caused by the relevant system, to "cure" minor social effects.
Besides the introduction and conclusion, the text is divided into three parts, about 30000 words.
The first part introduces the minor criminal record storage system overview. Role of punishment of criminals in two aspects of punishment and education lies in the treatment of crime, maintaining social order. Minors plasticity, crime after return to society more easily. In our country to protect the interests of minors based on both the social public interests. Take the criminal record sealed practice.2012 < criminal law > before judicial practice have begun the research on juvenile criminal record storage system, but due to the lack of unified legal norms, around the practice, resulting in legal differences. In order to better implement the minor criminal record sealed the system of criminal procedure law in 2012, < > the system into law, but the rules are more general. After the introduction of the new law, develop more detailed. According to the law Implement the system and actively implement the system.
The second part of the study of juvenile criminal record storage system. In this paper the research practice of P County in C city as a sample, reference to the other parts of the city, the research covers the applicable conditions, scope of confidentiality, decision procedure and storage termination aspects. The results show that the district well implemented in the program itself, but each other. In the application and the specific operation standards, sealing effect is difficult to guarantee. The minor criminal record storage system question is whether the system itself exists between defects or not closely cooperate with each other. First, the reports of improper procedure before the investigation organ handling method is improper and the media, to the minor information control unreasonable trial stage, all the minor crime information lack of pre protection effect, storage effect. Second, criminal record system is not perfect, the information storage related archives is not in place. Physical touch, information storage not comprehensive coverage of the field of juvenile life. Third, query exceptions too much, "the provisions of the state", "case" and other statements are too vague, the seal effect is not stable. Finally, the related responsibility is not clear, leading to serious part of the staff are not aware of the problem, the implementation of the system cannot security.
Put forward the perfection of juvenile criminal record storage system proposed in the third part. According to the existing criminal record storage system, should improve the related system, enabling the system to continue to strengthen information system. First, the investigation organ shall pay attention to pre protection. The concealment of the media industry should strengthen self-discipline and public security. The judicial organs in safeguarding the interests of minors together. Grasp the open trial limit, correct handling of relevant information involving minors in the open process. Second, improve the relevant supporting measures. Perfecting the criminal record system, realize the unified management of information criminals, separate and minor crime and criminal record information to ensure adults. Storage and household registration records, cohesion personnel files and archives, ensure the seal in place. Third, limit the scope of the query will be "the regulations of the state" Limited to basic laws and administrative regulations, "the investigators need" limited evidence, should not be used for sentencing, strictly identified "related units", code inquiry procedures, to avoid improper disclosure of information in the query process. Fourth, clear accountability mechanism, increase the illegal and improper disclosure of information of the minor crime punishment, the formation of a strong deterrent the force of the investigators and the public, increase their attention to prevention, to avoid minors and cause unnecessary damage.



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