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发布时间:2018-04-19 12:13

  本文选题:刑事非法证据排除规则 + 实体构成性规则 ; 参考:《浙江工商大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:尽管目前我国非法证据排除规则改革已经取得了突破性进展,但是新的排除规则仍然存在虚置化的隐忧。本文从分析非法证据排除规则的概念,阐明其存在的重要价值入手,进一步梳理该规则在我国的演进过程,总结我国目前非法证据排除规则制度本身存在的问题以及在贯彻落实的司法环境方面所面临的一些深层次困境,并在此基础上提出了相应的改进措施。文章除引言和结语外,共分为四个部分: 第一部分,刑事非法证据排除规则基本理论概述。该部分主要包括概念界定和价值分析两个方面。通过对非法证据排除规则定义的分析及其价值的阐述,使我们明白了非法证据排除规则是什么以及在我国确立并进一步发展该规则的必要性和紧迫性。 第二部分,我国刑事非法证据排除规则的演进。通过对该规则在我国的历史变革及其现状两个方面进行梳理,使我们对排除规则有了更深一步的了解。 第三部分,目前我国刑事非法证据排除规则存在的问题。具体从实体构成性规则实施中的问题、程序实施性规则适用中的问题、非法证据排除规则适用的司法环境问题三个方面进行分析。实体构成性规则实施中的问题主要包括排除方式的弊端、排除范围的不合理;程序实施性规则适用中的问题主要包括侦控机关作为排除主体的非现实性、非法证据排除调查程序难以启动、证明责任分配的不合理、调查程序依附于实体问题、救济程序操作性不强、部分配套措施未跟进六个方面;适用的司法环境问题主要包括公检法相互关系对排除规则实施的影响、以刑事审判为重心的诉讼构造的缺失、过于强调事实真相的思维方式三个方面。 第四部分,针对问题提出完善措施。该部分不仅对包括实体构成性规则以及程序实施性规则这样的属于规则本身的制度层面存在的缺陷提出了相应的改进措施,而且对目前阻碍非法证据排除规则运行的整体司法环境也提出了一些改进的对策及建议。相信在对排除非法证据的技术性规则进行不断完善的基础上,为该规则的运行营造一个良好的司法环境,非法证据排除规则在保障人权,维护司法公正,树立司法权威,实现社会公平正义等方面的作用就会得到比较好的体现。
[Abstract]:Although breakthrough progress has been made in the reform of the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence in our country, the new rule of exclusion still has the hidden problem of hypocrisy.This paper begins with the analysis of the concept of the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence, clarifies its important value, and further combs the evolution of the rule in China.This paper summarizes the problems existing in the current system of exclusionary rules of illegal evidence in our country and some deep-seated difficulties in carrying out the judicial environment, and puts forward corresponding improvement measures on this basis.In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the article is divided into four parts:The first part, the criminal illegal evidence exclusion rule basic theory outline.This part mainly includes the concept definition and the value analysis two aspects.By analyzing the definition and value of illegal evidence exclusion rule, we understand what illegal evidence exclusion rule is and the necessity and urgency of establishing and further developing this rule in our country.The second part, the evolution of the rule of exclusion of criminal illegal evidence.Through combing the historical change and present situation of this rule in our country, we have a deeper understanding of the exclusion rule.The third part, at present our country criminal illegal evidence exclusion rule existence question.This paper analyzes the problems in the implementation of substantive constitution rules, the application of procedural rules, and the judicial environment for the exclusion of illegal evidence.The problems in the implementation of substantive constitutive rules mainly include the malpractice of the exclusion mode and the unreasonable scope of the exclusion, while the problems in the application of the procedural enforcement rules mainly include the non-reality of the investigation and control organ as the subject of exclusion.The illegal evidence exclusion investigation procedure is difficult to start, the distribution of burden of proof is unreasonable, the investigation procedure is attached to the entity problem, the relief procedure is not operable, and some supporting measures are not followed up in six aspects;The applicable problems of judicial environment mainly include the influence of the relationship among the Public Security Bureau, the procuratorate and the court on the implementation of the exclusion rules, the lack of the litigation structure with the focus on criminal trial, and the thinking mode of emphasizing the truth of the facts too much.The fourth part, puts forward the perfect measure in view of the question.This part not only puts forward the corresponding improvement measures to the defects existing in the institutional level of the rules themselves, such as substantive constitution rules and procedural implementation rules.And it also puts forward some improving countermeasures and suggestions to the overall judicial environment which hinders the operation of illegal evidence exclusion rules.Believing that on the basis of the continuous improvement of the technical rules for the exclusion of illegal evidence, a good judicial environment should be created for the operation of the rules, and that the exclusionary rules of illegal evidence are protecting human rights, safeguarding judicial justice and establishing judicial authority,The realization of social justice and other aspects of the role will be better reflected.


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