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发布时间:2018-04-20 04:05

  本文选题:行政程序 + 行政诉讼程序 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:无论是在民事诉讼、刑事诉讼还是行政诉讼中,证据都具有不可撼动的地位,直接关系诉讼成败。但只有证据的取得与运用是合法的,才能保证程序公正,实现司法正义。因此,证据的取得与运用必须遵循一定的准则,只有这样才能保证证据被合理的运用,才能有效地保护当事人的合法权益。 在刑事领域,存在着大量的以非法手段取证的行为,这种取证手段严重地侵犯了当事人的合法权益,因此非法证据排除规则最在便出现在刑事领域中。但在行政法领域,随着行政权力的不断扩张与行政机构的不断膨胀,加之行政机关与行政相对人这种悬殊的地位,使得行政机关在行政执法过程中采用非法手段取证成为可能,如果没有相应的规则来约束行政机关的取证行为,则公民的权益就很难得到保障。因此,在行政执法过程中,排除行政机关以非法手段收集的证据,以及在后续的行政诉讼程序中,法院排除行政机关以上述手段收集的证据,也是合法行政与保障人权的必然要求。 在本篇文章中,作者首先从证据的基本理论着手,循序渐进的重点介绍了证据概念的内涵及外延。在此基础上,就在行政法与行政诉讼法领域适用该排除规则的重要价值进行了阐释,接着又对大陆法系与英美法系主要国家在非法行政证据排除规则上的规定进行了研究,具体介绍了英国、美国的规定。文章最后一部分,结合我国行政法领域立法现状,对我国非法行政证据的排除范围进行了论述,有原则就有例外,不是绝对的排除一切不合法的证据,对此,又对排除的例外规则进行了阐释。 在行政法与行政诉讼法领域领域建立非法证据排除规则,可有效抑制行政机关的非法取证行为,,体现人权保障观念;同时,制定例外规则,对以轻微违法但不侵害相对人合法权益的的手段取得的证据加以采用又是行政效率原则的要求。在行政法领域建立完善的非法证据排除规则,对整个证据法领域都具有举足轻重的作用。
[Abstract]:Whether in civil proceedings, criminal proceedings or administrative proceedings, evidence has an unassailable position, directly related to the success or failure of litigation. But only if the evidence is obtained and used legally, can we guarantee the procedural justice and realize the judicial justice. Therefore, the acquisition and application of evidence must follow certain criteria, only in order to ensure that the evidence is reasonably used, can effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. In the criminal field, there are a large number of illegal means to obtain evidence, this means of evidence has seriously violated the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, so the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence appears most in the criminal field. However, in the field of administrative law, with the continuous expansion of administrative power and the expansion of administrative organs, coupled with the disparity between administrative organs and administrative counterparts, it is possible for administrative organs to use illegal means to obtain evidence in the process of administrative law enforcement. If there are no corresponding rules to restrain the evidence-gathering behavior of administrative organs, the rights and interests of citizens are difficult to be protected. Therefore, in the process of administrative law enforcement, the evidence collected by the administrative organs by illegal means is excluded, and in the subsequent administrative proceedings, the court excludes the evidence collected by the administrative organs by the above-mentioned means, It is also an inevitable requirement for legal administration and protection of human rights. In this paper, the author begins with the basic theory of evidence and introduces the connotation and extension of the concept of evidence step by step. On this basis, it explains the important value of applying the exclusion rule in the field of administrative law and administrative procedure law, and then studies the rules of exclusion of illegal administrative evidence in the main countries of civil law system and common law system. Specific introduction of the provisions of the United Kingdom, the United States. In the last part of the article, combined with the current situation of legislation in the field of administrative law in China, the author discusses the exclusion scope of illegal administrative evidence in our country. There are exceptions in principle, not absolute exclusion of all illegal evidence. The exception rule of exclusion is also explained. The establishment of illegal evidence exclusion rules in the field of administrative law and administrative procedure law can effectively restrain the illegal evidence collection of administrative organs and embody the concept of human rights protection. It is also the requirement of administrative efficiency principle to adopt the evidence obtained by means of minor violation without infringing the legitimate rights and interests of the relative party. The establishment of perfect exclusionary rules of illegal evidence in the field of administrative law plays an important role in the whole field of evidence law.


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1 陆满;邱婷;;论我国行政诉讼之非法证据排除[J];边疆经济与文化;2008年08期

2 刘颖;;论行政诉讼中非法证据的排除规则[J];法制与经济(下半月);2008年01期

3 陈龙环;;英国法官的证据排除裁量权[J];贵州民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版);2006年05期




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