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发布时间:2018-04-20 08:25

  本文选题:司法鉴定 + 鉴定人 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The appraisal system is one of the important litigation evidence systems, which plays an extremely important role in both the legal theory and the practice of judicial expertise. However, there are many defects in the current appraisal system in our country. In particular, the expert often becomes the invisible hand in the court. The biggest weakness in the application of the appraisal evidence in the court trial in our country is that the expert testifies in court, accepts the cross-examination of both sides of the charge and defense, and accepts the investigation by the judge. It is the activity of experts to provide scientific evidence to the court. It is also an important way for the court and the parties to examine the appraisal opinion and confirm the validity of its evidence. Therefore, it is also an important link in the appraisal activity. A series of supporting systems are needed to guarantee the testimony of experts in court. The relevant laws of our country only have the principle that experts should testify in court. Obviously, we still need to establish specific supporting measures. In the author's view, In order to really solve the problem of experts appearing in court to testify, the national legislature should consider comprehensively when revising the law related to appraisal, and establish the safeguard system of expert appearing in court. In this paper, the author clarifies some basic concepts. Starting with the system of expert witness appearing in court in two legal systems and combining the present situation of expert witness appearing in court in our country, this paper makes a deep discussion on the problems to be solved by the expert witness in court in our country. And put forward the concrete conception of the expert who is suitable for our country's judicial practice to testify in court.


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