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发布时间:2018-04-20 23:15

  本文选题:强奸罪 + 定案根据 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Rape is an act of sexual intercourse against a woman's will, violence, coercion or other means, or sexual relations with a young girl under the age of 14. Rape violates the sexual inviolability of a woman or the physical and mental health of a young girl. The rape case of Gao Ping Zhang and Zhang Hui has caused a great deal of controversy. There are two controversial points in the rape case of Zhang Gao Ping and Zhang Hui: one is whether the defendant constitutes the crime of rape, the other is whether Yuan Lianfang's testimony can be taken as the basis of the final case. It is necessary to analyze whether Zhang Gao Ping and Zhang Hui constitute a crime from the objective aspects of the crime of rape. The case proves that the defendant has the main evidence of rape, that is, the defendant's guilty confession. In order for the defendant's confession to be conclusive, the legality of the evidence should be examined. The determination of the legality of confession must be judged according to the rule of exclusion of illegal verbal evidence. According to the Criminal procedure Law, the court of defendant's confession obtained by illegal means such as extorting confessions by torture should be excluded and can not be used as the basis of final decision. To determine whether Yuan Lianfang's testimony can be taken as final evidence, first of all, we should judge from Yuan Lianfang's evidentiary ability that the investigation in prison is one of the secret investigative techniques of the public security organs. The intelligence obtained by the special intelligence personnel can only be regarded as the clues of the public security organs to solve the case, but it can also be used as public evidence through the transformation of certain procedures. Secondly, it should be analyzed from the evidential power of Yuan Lianfang's testimony, judging from the source of the evidence that Yuan Lianfang's testimony belongs to hearsay evidence, and at the same time synthetically analyzing Yuan Lianfang's testimony belongs to solitary evidence. Yuan Lianfang's testimony could not be taken as the final basis of the case. The analysis of the controversial focus of the case can help the understanding of the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence in the criminal trial in our country and the way to deal with the cases in which the special persons of prison investigation give evidence.


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