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发布时间:2018-04-20 23:40

  本文选题:量刑程序 + 定罪 ; 参考:《海南大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In criminal procedure, conviction and sentencing are the center of the whole litigation activity. However, our country has been deeply influenced by the traditional thought of "heavy conviction, light sentencing", and does not attach importance to sentencing procedure, until "Xu Ting case" caused people's reflection. After this, our country explores in the judicial practice while strengthening the legislation on sentencing procedure, thus establishing a relatively separate sentencing procedure model. The sentencing procedure of this model is drawn up according to our country's pilot experience by drawing lessons from the common law system and the civil law system. However, sentencing procedure in our country is still in its infancy, the direction of its progress is unknown, and there are many obstacles in practice, so it is imperative to perfect the sentencing procedure in our country. In this paper, the methods of literature and comparison are used to discuss the improvement of sentencing procedure in four parts: the first part introduces the concept and content of sentencing procedure, and the concept of sentencing procedure. At present, the academic and practical circles of our country have not formed a general theory, and then analyzed the significance of studying sentencing procedure in our country, and affirmed the importance of establishing a relatively independent sentencing procedure model in our country. The second part analyzes the present situation of sentencing procedure in our country, including the current situation of legislation and regulation, and also the present situation of judicial practice, focusing on the problems existing in sentencing procedure in our country. In order to promote the perfection of sentencing procedure, the defects of sentencing procedure in our country are displayed in a more intuitive way. The third part is to compare and investigate the different sentencing procedure models of the two legal systems. This paper analyzes the similarities and differences between the two major legal systems through the introduction of the United States, Britain, which represents the Anglo-American law system, which absolutely separates the sentencing procedure model, and the continental law system, represented by Germany and Japan, as well as the mixed sentencing procedure model. And then get the enlightenment of perfecting the sentencing procedure of our country. The fourth part is the concrete conception of perfecting the sentencing procedure of our country. From the following five aspects: strengthening the participation of the victim in the sentencing process, perfecting the sentencing suggestions of the procuratorial organs, strengthening the collection of sentencing information, establishing independent rules of sentencing evidence, and strengthening the reasoning of sentencing, this paper puts forward effective measures. In order to promote the sentencing process in our country to move forward steadily.


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