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发布时间:2018-04-21 12:37

  本文选题:国际体育仲裁院 + 司法干预 ; 参考:《环球法律评论》2017年06期

[Abstract]:The Court of International Sports Arbitration is in an authoritative position in resolving international sports disputes. The influence of the particularity of its arbitration on the conclusion of arbitration agreement and the neutrality of arbitration has been the focus of judicial intervention in various countries. However, excessive intervention also affects the global uniformity of sports rules and referees. Germany's practice of allowing its athletes to challenge the International Court of Sports Arbitration through domestic litigation is a challenge to the Swiss Federal Court of Justice, which is at the heart of and has formed a system of judicial intervention in which it is the subject. It needs to be justified. In weighing the necessity and appropriateness of judicial intervention, the antimonopoly law, which is a compulsory law of a country, should be used with caution, and the right guarantee mechanism of arbitration law should be relied on. The related practice of our country is almost blank, and the future development of our country's sports industry makes the related problems unavoidable. International practice is an important reference for our country to establish and perfect the related system.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;


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