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发布时间:2018-04-21 18:50

  本文选题:民事诉讼 + 价值和功能 ; 参考:《四川大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 民事诉前证据保全制度是证据保全制度体系的一个有机组成部分,主要解决证据的保存、固定问题,以保证受诉法院作出公正的裁判,并且在起诉前让利害关系人了解事物的现状,了解纠纷的实际状况,还有利于促进纠纷的诉讼外解决。近年来,我国虽然先后在《海事特别程序法》、《商标法》、《专利权法》、《著作权法》、《仲裁法》以及其他相关司法解释中规定了诉前证据保全制度,从而填补了诉前证据保全制度在立法上的缺陷,但现行制度仍然存在诸多弊端和不足,难以满足司法实践的客观需要,甚至导致了民事司法程序上的不公正。与此同时,学界虽对此问题的研究有所涉及,但并不透彻,尤其对一般的民商事案件是否可以在起诉前向法院申请证据保全,法学理论界仍对此众说纷纭:有人认为法院可以在诉前采取保全措施;有人认为法院在诉前采取保全措施是违法的。随着社会的不断发展,新鲜事物的不断出现,现有的立法遭遇了空白地带,最高人民法院的证据规定虽然确立了诉前证据保全制度的合法性,但并没有对操作程序作出详细、具体的规定。鉴于此,本文试图通过对诉前证据保全制度的价值、功能的阐释,立法现状的剖析,,司法实践的考察以及与英美法系、大陆法系的比较研究,对诉前证据保全制度作进一步的探讨,希望在建立和完善我国民事诉前证据保全制度上作一点有益的思考。本文的写作除综述和导论外分三个部分进行: 综述和导论部分简要介绍我国民事诉前证据保全制度的基本情况,国内对民事诉前证据保全制度的理论研究状况,阐明本文的撰写目的。 第一部分是民事诉前证据保全制度的理论分析,介绍民事诉前证据保全制度的概念、特征和属性,重点阐述诉前证据保全制度的价值和功能,为建立我国民事诉前证据保全制度提供坚实的理论基础。 第二部分是对我国民事诉前证据保全制度的审视,首先对国内民事诉前证据保全制度的立法现状和司法实践状况进行考察,对我国民事诉前证据保全制度进行评析,然后指出我国民事诉前证据保全制度的缺陷,并分析这种缺陷产生的原因。 第三部分是对我国民事诉前证据保全制度的建构,阐明在我国建立诉前证据保全制度的必要性,从立法的角度提出在我国建立民事诉前证据保全制度的构想。
[Abstract]:The system of preservation of evidence before civil action is an organic part of the system of preservation of evidence. And to let the interested parties understand the current situation of things and the actual situation of disputes before the prosecution, it is also conducive to promoting the settlement of disputes outside litigation. In recent years, although China has successively stipulated the system of preservation of pre-lawsuit evidence in the Maritime Special procedure Law, the Trademark Law, the Patent Law, the copyright Law, the Arbitration Law and other relevant judicial interpretations, Thus filling the defects in the legislation of the pre-lawsuit evidence preservation system, but the current system still has many shortcomings and deficiencies, which is difficult to meet the objective needs of judicial practice, and even leads to the civil judicial process of injustice. At the same time, although the academic research on this issue is involved, it is not thorough, especially whether ordinary civil and commercial cases can apply to the court for evidence preservation before prosecution. There are still different opinions on this in the field of legal theory: some people think that the court can take protective measures before litigation, others think that it is illegal for the court to take preservation measures before litigation. With the continuous development of society and the emergence of new things, the existing legislation has encountered a blank area. Although the evidence regulations of the Supreme people's Court have established the legitimacy of the system of preservation of evidence before litigation, it has not made detailed operational procedures. Specific provisions In view of this, this paper attempts to analyze the value, function, current situation of legislation, judicial practice and comparative study of pre-litigation evidence preservation system with Anglo-American law system and civil law system. This paper makes a further discussion on the system of preservation of evidence before litigation, and hopes to make some beneficial thoughts on the establishment and perfection of the system of preservation of evidence before litigation in China. The writing of this paper is divided into three parts except the summary and the introduction. The summary and introduction briefly introduce the basic situation of our country's civil pre-action evidence preservation system, the domestic theoretical research status of the civil pre-lawsuit evidence preservation system, and clarify the purpose of this paper. The first part is the theoretical analysis of the system of preservation of evidence before civil action, introduces the concept, characteristics and attributes of the system of preservation of evidence before civil action, and focuses on the value and function of the system of preservation of evidence before litigation. To provide a solid theoretical basis for the establishment of our civil pre-litigation evidence preservation system. The second part is to examine the system of preservation of evidence before civil action in China. First, the legislative status and judicial practice of the system of preservation of evidence before civil action in China are investigated, and the system of preservation of evidence before civil action in China is evaluated. Then it points out the defects of the evidence preservation system before civil litigation in China and analyzes the causes of the defects. The third part is the construction of evidence preservation system before civil litigation in China, the necessity of establishing evidence preservation system before litigation in China, and the conception of establishing evidence preservation system before civil litigation in China from the angle of legislation.


相关硕士学位论文 前2条

1 薛显仑;国外民事诉前证据收集制度研究及借鉴[D];苏州大学;2010年

2 花秀艳;论我国民事诉前证据保全制度的构建[D];中国政法大学;2012年




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