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发布时间:2018-04-21 22:00

  本文选题:认罪认罚 + 从宽 ; 参考:《中国刑事法杂志》2017年03期

[Abstract]:The trial of leniency system is an important part of the current judicial reform. It highlights the basic idea of optimizing the allocation of judicial resources, simplifying and diverting cases and further improving the efficiency of litigation. However, there is not enough concern about the protection of the legal rights of victims. It is necessary to protect the legal rights of victims in lenient cases of plea and punishment to respect and protect human rights, to maintain criminal procedure, to maintain the consistency and rationality of the system and to prevent the emergence of serious litigation risks. In order to strengthen the protection of the rights of the victims, we should first make it clear that the victims have the status of the subject of the procedure in the case of pleading guilty and penalizing leniently, supplemented by the right to know, the right to express opinions and the right to raise objections, which are appropriate to the status of the subject. The right to legal aid and the right to remedy and other basic litigation rights.
【作者单位】: 安徽大学法学院;


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