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发布时间:2018-04-22 06:09

  本文选题:民事诉讼 + 要件事实理论 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:要件事实,是与发生某一法律效果(权利的发生、妨碍、消灭、阻止)所必需的法律要件之构成要素相对应的具体事实。要件事实理论产生于日本的司法研修所的司法研修教育。在日本,该理论已被理论界和实务界广泛认同,它打通了民法与民事诉讼法之界限,促进了诉讼思维模式之培养,使民事诉讼法的价值在司法实践中得以充分展现。本文研究要件事实理论在租赁合同纠纷诉讼中如何应用,也就是基于要件事实理论,对于要件事实在具体合同纠纷诉讼下运用的类型化研究。本文研究的大体思路是首先对要件事实理论进行研究探讨。之后,运用该理论对租赁合同纠纷诉讼进行梳理总结。接着,运用上述结论对具有代表性的租赁合同纠纷案件进行分析,寻找不足之处。最后,对问题进行评价和完善。 本文除了导言和结语,共分为四个部分: 第一部分是对要件事实的概述,论述要件事实的基本涵义及其内在的价值、要件事实的理论基础等。理论基础即包括民事诉讼法上的证明责任、主张责任和诉讼标的等的理解与运用。笔者试图在该理论基础上,分析要件事实这一思维方式的规律。 第二部分是运用要件事实的理论,对常见的租赁合同纠纷诉讼中的要件事实进行类型化分析。该部分首先介绍了租赁合同的概念、类型及特征,然后根据法律条文,分析各种类型的租赁合同纠纷诉讼中的请求权成立要件事实和权利抗辩要件事实。 第三部分通过一则租赁合同纠纷诉讼案例来评价要件事实理论的应用情况。该部分通过案例分析的形式,检视要件事实理论如何在具体的诉讼中应用。该部分主要评价了案件的诉讼标的特定,,当事人的攻击防御以及法院审判情况。该部分既对案件及审理进行描述又运用要件事实理论予以评价,从而得出案件审理裁判中的不足之处。 第四部分则是对上文提出的不足之处的一些建议和完善。完善的方式就是在民事诉讼状制度中引入要件事实的方法,从而真正实现要件事实理论在我国司法实践当中的应用。 通过上述四个部分的研究,完成了对租赁合同纠纷的要件事实诉讼方法从理论转向实践的过程。这种类型化的研究方式,对于我国的要件事实理论研究具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。
[Abstract]:The essential facts are the concrete facts corresponding to the constituent elements of the legal elements which are necessary for the occurrence of a certain legal effect (the occurrence of rights, the obstruction, the elimination, the prevention). The theory of essential facts originates from the judicial education of the Judicial Institute of Japan. In Japan, the theory has been widely accepted by the theoretical and practical circles. It has opened the boundary between civil law and civil procedure law, promoted the cultivation of the mode of thinking of litigation, and made the value of civil procedure law fully displayed in judicial practice. This paper studies how to apply the theory of essential facts in the dispute litigation of lease contract, that is, based on the theory of facts of elements, the research on the type of application of the facts of elements in the litigation of specific contract disputes. The main idea of this paper is to study the theory of essential facts. After that, use the theory to sort out and summarize the dispute litigation of lease contract. Then, the above conclusions are used to analyze the typical cases of lease contract disputes. Finally, the problem is evaluated and perfected. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts: The first part is the summary of the facts of the elements, the basic meaning and the intrinsic value of the facts of the elements, the theoretical basis of the facts of the elements and so on. The theoretical basis includes the burden of proof in the civil procedure law, the understanding and application of the claim liability and the object of the lawsuit. On the basis of the theory, the author tries to analyze the law of the thinking mode of the elements fact. The second part is the application of the theory of elements of fact, common lease contract disputes in the elements of the facts of the classification analysis. This part first introduces the concept, type and characteristics of lease contract, and then, according to the legal provisions, analyzes the facts of the requirement of the right of claim and the fact of the defense of the right in various types of dispute litigation of lease contract. The third part evaluates the application of element fact theory through a case of lease contract dispute litigation. This part examines how the theory of facts is applied in specific litigation through the form of case analysis. This part mainly evaluates the specific object of the case, the defense of the parties and the court trial. This part not only describes the case and trial, but also evaluates it by using the theory of facts. The fourth part is the above put forward some suggestions and improvements. The perfect way is to introduce the method of essential facts into the civil lawsuit system, so as to realize the application of the theory of essential facts in the judicial practice of our country. Through the study of the above four parts, the paper completes the process of transferring the essential elements of the dispute of lease contract from theory to practice. This type of research is of great theoretical and practical significance to the theoretical study of essential elements in our country.


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