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发布时间:2018-04-22 18:11

  本文选题:第三人撤销之诉 + 第三人撤销之诉立案审查 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In order to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of the third party outside the case in the civil action, the revised civil procedure law in 2012 proposed for the first time the establishment of the system of revocation of the third party outside the case. In 2015, the judicial interpretation of the civil procedure law of the Supreme people's Court was further developed. The system of third party revocation is refined. However, what the third party cancels the lawsuit system breaks through is the effective judgment res judicata restraint, it to the procedure stability, the judicial finality all causes the certain invasion damage. Therefore, in order to better balance the protection of the rights and interests of the third party and the maintenance of res judicata, it is necessary to carefully deal with the initiation of the procedure of revocation of the third party, that is, to carry out a higher order and substantive examination. Substantive examination does not represent substantive trial, and there is a great difference between them. In the process of filing and reviewing, the examination cannot replace the substantive trial, otherwise, at the stage of filing and examining, the rights and obligations of the entity in dispute can be decided, the result is that the third party's right of action is deprived. Too much substantive review touches on substantive trials, while too loose is mere formality. The perfection of the case-filing examination of the third party's revocation in our country lies in the substantive review, and the key of the substantive examination lies in the content and the standard of the examination. By unifying the content and standard of substantive review, the system not only protects the legitimate rights and interests of the third party outside the case, but also takes into account the res judicata of the effective judgment, thus making the system of revocation of the action of the third party more operational and stable.


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