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发布时间:2018-04-23 11:31

  本文选题:证人保护 + 人权 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:证人保护制度是一项保护证人人权、保障司法公正的重要制度,我国刑事诉讼中的证人保护制度尚处于起步阶段,在立法、司法、执法等方面仍在不停的探索。本文立足我国刑事诉讼中证人保护制度的发展现状,结合我国具体国情,借鉴国外相关经验,对证人保护制度进行了全面、深入的研究。 从整体结构上来看,本文除引言和结论外,主要分为三部分,分别为刑事诉讼证人保护制度的概述、我国证人保护制度的构建现状和我国证人保护制度的完善。 第一部分是证人保护制度的概述。这一部分首先从证人保护制度产生的理论和现实前提出发,从根源上对证人保护制度的产生进行了剖析,然后阐述了证人保护制度的必要性,主要有保障证人基本人权的价值、扼制附属犯罪的价值、完善证据制度的价值以及社会价值。最后是域外证人保护制度,通过对联合国、美国、英国以及我国台湾地区证人保护制度的整理,探究域外证人保护制度的发展现状,以其为我国的证人保护制度提供丰富的素材与宝贵的经验。 第二部分是我国证人保护制度的构建现状。这一部分与我国新修订的《刑事诉讼法》中对于证人保护制度的增加部分相对应,分别从我国证人保护制度的立法与实践这两个角度出发,尤其再以实例的方式予以说明,叙述了全国各地对此制度在实践中做出的探索,最后总结了我国证人保护制度发展过程中存在的诸多问题与不足,并且分析了这些问题出现的原因。 第三部分是我国证人保护制度的完善。这一部分是在前文所述我国证人保护制度的问题与不足的基础上,对于此制度在我国当今具体国情下发展完善所提出的创新性设想。主要包括建立证人申请保护对象制度、构建证人保护计划、扩大证人保护制度适用的案件范围、确立证人保护制度的主要执行部门以及其他完善证人保护制度的措施五个方面。在这五个方面中,笔者从现实角度出发,结合我国具体国情,充分考虑到了传统法律思想与现代法治观念之间的摩擦与博弈,富有创新性地提出了完善我国证人保护制度的发展方向以及具体方案,为我国证人保护制度的发展做出了有益的探索。
[Abstract]:Witness protection system is an important system to protect the human rights of witnesses and ensure judicial justice. The witness protection system in criminal proceedings in our country is still in its infancy, and it is still exploring in the aspects of legislation, judicature, law enforcement and so on. Based on the development of witness protection system in criminal proceedings in our country, this paper makes a comprehensive and in-depth study on witness protection system by referring to the relevant experience of foreign countries and combining with the specific conditions of our country. From the overall structure, this paper, in addition to the introduction and conclusion, is divided into three parts, respectively, the overview of witness protection system in criminal proceedings, the construction of witness protection system in China and the perfection of witness protection system in China. The first part is the summary of witness protection system. This part starts from the theoretical and practical premise of witness protection system, analyzes the origin of witness protection system, and then expounds the necessity of witness protection system, which mainly has the value of guaranteeing the basic human rights of witnesses. Restrain the value of accessory crime, perfect the value of evidence system and social value. Finally, the extraterritorial witness protection system, through the United Nations, the United States, the United Kingdom and China's Taiwan region witness protection system collation, explore the status quo of the development of extraterritorial witness protection system, It provides rich material and valuable experience for the witness protection system of our country. The second part is the present situation of the construction of witness protection system in China. This part corresponds to the increase of witness protection system in the newly revised Criminal procedure Law of our country. It starts from the two angles of the legislation and practice of witness protection system in China, especially explains it in the form of examples. This paper describes the exploration in practice of this system in various parts of the country, summarizes the problems and shortcomings in the development of witness protection system in China, and analyzes the reasons for these problems. The third part is the perfection of witness protection system in China. This part is based on the problems and deficiencies of the witness protection system mentioned above, and puts forward innovative ideas for the development and perfection of this system under the specific conditions of our country today. It mainly includes the establishment of witness protection object system, the construction of witness protection plan, the expansion of the scope of cases applicable to witness protection system, the establishment of the main execution department of witness protection system and other measures to improve witness protection system. In these five aspects, the author takes into account the friction and game between the traditional legal thought and the modern concept of the rule of law from the realistic point of view and combining with the specific conditions of our country. The author innovatively puts forward the developing direction and concrete scheme of perfecting the witness protection system of our country, and makes a beneficial exploration for the development of the witness protection system in our country.


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