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发布时间:2018-04-24 13:29

  本文选题:口供的证明力 + 印证规则 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:口供是我国刑事诉讼领域的一项重要证据,其证明效果的直接性相比于其他证据来讲有着明显的优势,在司法审判工作中起着难以替代的作用。口供的证明力是指口供在案件审理过程中的可信程度以及证明效果。它主要依赖于口供内容的真实程度,而真实程度的影响因素包括:口供的自愿性、稳定性和印证度。 我国《刑事诉讼法》及相关司法解释从口供真实性的影响因素出发,主要确立了两大口供证明力规则。一是口供的印证规则,要求口供的内容能够与本案其他证据相互佐证,旨在根据口供的印证度来审查判断具体口供的真实性;二是口供的补强规则,要求被告人的口供不得成为有罪判决的唯一依据,必须经由其他证据对口供进行补强,也就是说口供对案件事实不具有完全和独立的证明力。除此之外,为了从源头上保障口供的真实性,我国法律也对口供的获取程序做出了相应地规定,力图通过对自愿性的保护来促进口供的真实性。 这些规定在保障口供的真实性方面产生了较为明显的效果,对办案人员的司法实践也起到了积极地指导作用。但其仍然存在着内容不足与规定不完善的缺陷,这些缺陷在司法实践中产生了许多问题,甚至导致了冤假错案的屡禁不止。因而,本文将从口供证明力的基本理论出发,结合司法实践中的经验,对这些问题进行细致的分析。同时,针对问题产生的原因,总结并论证出适合我国口供证明力规则完善和发展的建议。
[Abstract]:Confession is an important evidence in the field of criminal procedure in our country. Compared with other evidence, the direct effect of the evidence has obvious advantages and plays an irreplaceable role in the judicial work. The probative power of confession refers to the credibility and effect of confession in the course of trial. It mainly depends on the truth of the confession, and the factors influencing the truth include the voluntary, stability and corroboration of the confession. The Criminal procedure Law of our country and the related judicial explanation mainly establish two rules of testifying power according to the factors influencing the truth of confession. First, the corroboration rules of confessions, which require that the contents of confessions can be mutually corroborated with other evidence in this case, in order to examine and judge the authenticity of specific confessions according to the corroboration degree of confessions; and second, the rules on the reinforcement of confessions. The defendant's confession must not be the only basis for the conviction, but must be reinforced by other evidence, that is, the confession does not have a complete and independent evidentiary effect on the facts of the case. In addition, in order to guarantee the truth of confession from the source, the law of our country also makes the corresponding stipulation to the procedure of obtaining the confession, trying to promote the truth of the confession through the protection of the voluntary nature. These regulations have obvious effect in protecting the truth of confession, and also play a positive role in guiding the judicial practice of the case handling personnel. However, it still has the defects of insufficient content and imperfect regulations. These defects have caused many problems in judicial practice, and even led to repeated prohibition of false and wrong cases. Therefore, this article will proceed from the basic theory of testifying power, unifies the judicial practice experience, carries on the detailed analysis to these questions. At the same time, according to the causes of the problem, the author summarizes and demonstrates some suggestions for the perfection and development of the rules of testimonial power of our country.


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