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发布时间:2018-04-25 17:47

  本文选题:检察权 + 行政权 ; 参考:《中共江苏省委党校》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Under the circumstances of the country under the rule of law, the state, the society and the citizens play different roles. The supervision of the public administration by the procuratorial organs not only involves the position of the procuratorial organs in the state power system, but also involves the social role of the procuratorial organs themselves, and what kind of the procuratorial organs should play in the progress of the state and the social civilization The role of the law is the question that must be answered by the legal theory. The Constitution clearly defines the procuratorial organs in the legal supervision organs, but in the course of the past twenty years of judicial reform, although the official documents are constantly emphasizing the constitutional orientation of the procuratorial organs, the inspection right should be in the scope and in particular. There are still no small disputes in the field of supervision of the exercise of administrative power. The supervisory role of private rights can certainly counterbalance the exercise of the power of public power, but the exercise of private rights is usually guaranteed by public power, and to a certain extent, the supervision ability of private rights is limited. At this time, it is independent, fair, just and efficient. The supervision and restriction of the professional public authority will be essential. The administrative procuratorial work and the audit are the institutional arrangements that restrict the public power by public power. Although most of this type of supervision mode is no longer in the form of independent special chapter in the present administrative law textbooks, it is still a very important administrative law system. The basic theory of the theory of law is part of the basic theory of procuratorial power in the past. Even if the investigation of the procuratorial power and the administrative power is mainly from the individual relations, it is difficult to study the integrity of the relationship between the procuratorial power and the supervision and the supervision of the administrative power. The premise of politics is to realize effective power restriction on the basis of the guarantee of scientific decision-making system and strengthen the supervision of administrative activities. The supervision and restriction from the external administrative system is irreplaceable. The procuratorial organs of our country should play the role of the administrative rule of law in the process of promoting the administrative rule of law. In the end, the key is whether the procuratorial organ can shoulder the mission of legal supervision, the key is whether it can form effective supervision on the public administration. Therefore, from the perspective of procuratorial supervision public administration, it analyzes the functions of the procuratorial organ in guaranteeing the administrative law enforcement order in an all-round way, and seeks the internal law of the allocation of procuratorial power, which is beneficial to the country. The administrative power of the family plays its due role in accordance with the good operation of the rule of law. It is beneficial for us to understand and understand the intrinsic meaning of the procuratorial and administrative procuratorial functions in a comprehensive and objective way, and then to promote the scientific and effective allocation of procuratorial power, and ultimately to find the equality of the law and the fair and justice of the society. At the same time, the overall investigation of the relationship between the two under the framework of the constitution will be an unavoidable problem in exploring and proving that our country's procuratorial power is an independent and rational state power, and it is also a necessary and active exploration for the promotion of procuratorial reform after the fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee; at the same time, The re construction of the administrative procuratorial system within the scope of administrative law will help to arouse a further understanding of the theory of the administrative law by the criminal law circle and the procuratorate system, to a certain extent, to flourish the theory of administrative law, and to carry out a comprehensive study of the procuratorial theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics from different perspectives. To reveal the relationship between the supervision and the supervision between the procuratorial power and the administrative power, which is exercised by different internal organizations, and to improve the function configuration of the procuratorial organs to supervise the public administration according to the requirements of the statutory principle of authority, will be an important part of the construction of the administrative law guarantee system, and the procuratorial organs are only fully recognized. On the basis of recognizing the administrative duties of supervision, it can play a greater role in guaranteeing and supervising the administration of law, and will help to further realize the scientification of the administrative procuratorial system.



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8 汤U喎,




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