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发布时间:2018-04-26 00:40

  本文选题:查封 + 扣押 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 目前我国正在制定统一的《中华人民共和国行政强制法》(以下简称《行政强制法》)。由于一直没有统一的法律规范,致使行政机关执法时,存在滥用行政强制手段的现象,尤其是查封、扣押等财产方面的强制措施,更是用得过多、过滥,缺乏立法上、行政上和司法上的监督和规制,可以说立法滞后于实践的需要,给行政相对人的财产权利造成很大侵害。这不利于我国社会主义法治的进步和依法行政的实施。 行政强制措施是查封、扣押的上位概念。要对查封、扣押有深入的认识就必须首先弄清行政强制措施的性质。由于理论界对于行政强制措施的概念众说纷纭,划分标准也不统一,造成对查封、扣押强制措施的性质认识不明。本文第一部分从行政强制措施概念的演变说起,阐述行政强制措施的性质、特点及与相关概念的区别。查封、扣押是行政强制措施的具体表现形式,不仅符合行政强制措施的性质,还具有自身的一些特点。在明确了行政强制措施性质的基础上,笔者将对查封、扣押的概念进行分别论述,并总结出它们的共同特点。 查封、扣押在我国的实践中存在着许多亟待解决的问题,如立法上,缺乏统一性、科学性的规定,执法过程中,行政机关的查封、扣押行为极为混乱等。本文第二部分就从立法和执法两个方面分别阐释查封、扣押存在的问题。 它山之石,可以攻玉。本文第三部分将对其他国家或地区行政法中关于查封、扣押的规定予以介绍。笔者选取了英美法系的代表国家英国,大陆法系的代表国家德国和结合了英美法系与大陆法系特点的日本这三个典型国家加以论述,从中汲取这些国家在查封、扣押立法和制度上的经验。 查封、扣押制度的构建是一个系统工程。查封、扣押统一立法的构建包括查封、扣押应当遵循的原则、适用条件、期限、行政主体的义务和相对人的权利、法律救济等多方面的内容。本文第四部分就将针对查封、扣押在现实中存在的问题和《行政强制法》(征求意见稿)的规定,提出相应的解决办法和立法建议,希望能对《行政强制法》的制定有所帮助。
[Abstract]:At present, our country is making the unified Administrative compulsory Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative compulsory Law). Since there has been no uniform legal norm, the phenomenon of abuse of administrative coercive measures, especially in the areas of seizure and seizure of property, has been found in the enforcement of law by administrative organs, which is even more excessive, excessive and lacking in legislation. Administrative and judicial supervision and regulation, it can be said that legislation lags behind the needs of practice, to the property rights of administrative counterpart caused great infringement. This is not conducive to the progress of our socialist rule of law and the implementation of administration by law. Administrative coercive measures are the upper concept of seizure and seizure. In order to have a deep understanding of seizure, we must first understand the nature of administrative coercive measures. There are different opinions on the concept of administrative coercive measures and the standard of division is not uniform in the theoretical circle, which results in an unclear understanding of the nature of the compulsory measures of seizure and seizure. The first part of this paper begins with the evolution of the concept of administrative coercive measures, expounds the nature, characteristics and differences between administrative coercive measures and related concepts. Seizure and seizure are the concrete forms of administrative coercive measures, which not only accord with the nature of administrative coercive measures, but also have their own characteristics. On the basis of defining the nature of administrative coercive measures, the author will discuss the concepts of seizure and seizure, and summarize their common characteristics. In the practice of our country, there are many problems that need to be solved urgently, such as the lack of unity in legislation, the scientific regulation, the seizure of administrative organs and the extremely chaotic behavior in the course of law enforcement. The second part explains the problems of sequestration and seizure from the aspects of legislation and law enforcement. The stone of the mountain can attack jade. The third part of this paper will introduce the provisions of the administrative law of other countries or regions on seizure and seizure. The author chooses the representative country of Anglo-American law system, Britain, the representative country of civil law system, Germany and Japan, which combines the characteristics of Anglo-American law system and civil law system, to discuss, and draw lessons from these countries to seize the seal. Experience in seizure legislation and institutions. The construction of sequestration and seizure system is a systematic project. The construction of uniform legislation of seizure and seizure includes the principles of seizure, conditions of application, time limit, obligations of administrative subject, rights of relative parties, legal relief and so on. The fourth part of this article will aim at the problems existing in the reality of the seizure and the provisions of the Administrative compulsory Law (draft for soliciting opinions), and put forward the corresponding solutions and legislative suggestions, hoping to be helpful to the formulation of the Administrative compulsory Law.


相关期刊论文 前2条

1 蒋山花;舒小亮;;论行政扣押行为的执法困境与化解思路[J];法治论坛;2010年03期

2 黄怀权;张建伟;;论中国反兴奋剂赛外检查强制措施的法律属性及规制[J];广州体育学院学报;2013年02期

相关硕士学位论文 前4条

1 胡素琴;论工商行政强制措施的现状与完善[D];安徽大学;2010年

2 杜莹;论公安行政扣押中的财产权保障[D];湘潭大学;2011年

3 张鹏;试论电子证据在保密行政执法中的作用和运用[D];中国政法大学;2011年

4 王荣;税收行政强制执行研究[D];中国政法大学;2009年




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