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发布时间:2018-04-29 08:34

  本文选题:抗诉 + 抗诉审查 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:抗诉是检察机关的重要职能。一方面作为公诉权的延伸,抗诉构成了完整的公诉权,并保证有效追诉犯罪;另一方面作为法律监督职能的体现,抗诉能够及时纠正裁判中的错误。从我国的实践情况来看,抗诉工作并没有受到检察机关的重视,抗诉的质量也不高。目前,不少实务部门的司法工作人员已经认识到抗诉的提起必须满足一定的必要性,2005年最高人民检察院也发布了司法解释,明确抗诉须有必要性,,抗诉的质量虽略有好转,但抗诉的效果仍不明显。究其原因,检察机关抗诉在其必要性的审查上存在一定问题。笔者认为,提高抗诉案件质量,做好必要性审查,必须了解抗诉必要性审查的涵义,并进一步完善抗诉必要性审查的相关措施。 本文除引言和结语外,正文共分为四个部分,约两万五千万字。 第一部分,抗诉必要性审查的概述。抗诉必要性审查建立在原裁判确有错误的基础之上,并进一步考量该错误是否达到法定程度。其中,审查原裁判是否“确有错误”是抗诉审查的表层内容,是抗诉必要性审查的前提和基础;抗诉必要性审查则是抗诉审查的核心内容。从价值上看,抗诉必要性审查既提供裁量空间,又限制了恣意裁量。抗诉必要性审查有利于有效纠正错的误司法裁判,防止司法资源的浪费,从而在维护司法权威的同时,保护当事人的合法权益。 第二部分,抗诉必要性审查的制度设置。2005年出台的司法解释中首次使用了“抗诉必要性”一词,抗诉必要性审查就引起了实务部门的广泛关注,并具备了一定的制度雏形。在审查主体上,公诉案件承办人因为亲历了案件的审查起诉,并且出庭支持公诉,了解庭审状况,熟悉案件的优势使其成为抗诉必要性审查的不二人选。启动方式上看,承办人一方面可以在自行审查案件裁判中发现错误并启动必要性审查,另一方面,也能通过被害人的申诉获知裁判中的错误或并未达到的惩罚效果,重新考量抗诉的必要性。在审查内容上,承办人首先应当关注裁判错误程度这一核心问题,其次审查提抗证据和被害人对裁判的接受程度,最后也要考虑能否获得法院改判,以保障抗诉确有必要。在审查流程上,下级人民检察院在发现裁判确有错误,具有抗诉必要性,经同级人民法院向上级人民法院提出抗诉,并及时通知上级人民检察院,尤其审查后决定是否支持抗诉。 第三部分,我国抗诉必要性审查依然存在着问题。虽然司法解释明确规定人民检察院提出抗诉的条件,但由于两级检察机关交流机制不健全,在审查抗诉必要性时存在一定的分歧,从而影响了抗诉效率;必要性审查侧重惩罚犯罪,抗无不抗有,抗轻不抗重,忽视了一些对被告人有利的因素。同时,在抗诉必要性审查之外,还有一些因素干扰裁量权的行使,使必要性审查偏离轨道。绩效考核制度迫使抗诉成为公诉的后续支持,案件请示制度使抗诉必要性审查失去意义,重实体的司法观念使承办人忽视了程序错误的严重后果。 第四部分,完善抗诉必要性审查的建议。抗诉必要性审查中存在诸多问题,严重影响抗诉成效,因此必须予以完善。首先,应当完善上下两级检察院案件交流机制,建立抗诉案件的同步审查机制,形成抗诉合力。上级检察机关应当在提起抗诉之前积极对下级检察机关做抗前指导,对抗诉必要性问题给出建设性意见,并定期召开交流会议,交流和探讨抗诉必要性审查中的司法经验。其次,调整现行绩效考核制度,废除仅以数字为标准的考核,使绩效考核回归诉讼程序,从而保证抗诉必要性审查免受不当的干扰。再次,废除案件请示制度,使法院摆脱司法的行政化牢笼,为抗诉必要性审查扫清障碍。最后重视实体与程序的价值均衡,以便准确把握刑事裁判的错误程度,提高抗诉审查质量。
[Abstract]:The prosecution is an important function of the procuratorial organs . On the one hand , as the extension of the right of public prosecution , the protest constitutes a complete right of public prosecution and guarantees the effective prosecution of the crime ;
On the other hand , as the reflection of the legal supervision function , the protest can correct the mistakes in the referee in time . From the practice of our country , the judicial staff of many substantive departments have realized that the prosecution must meet the need . At present , many judicial staff in the substantive departments have realized the necessity of the prosecution . The quality of the protest is still not obvious .

In addition to the introduction and conclusion , the text is divided into four parts , about 25,000 words .

The first part is an overview of the necessity of prosecution . The necessity of prosecution is based on the original judge ' s error and further considers whether the error has reached the legal degree .
The necessity of prosecution is the core of the prosecution review . From the point of view , the necessity of prosecution is to provide both discretion and discretion . The necessity of prosecution is helpful to correct the wrong judicial decision effectively and prevent the waste of judicial resources , so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties while maintaining the judicial authority .

On the basis of the review , the author should pay close attention to the core issue of the judge ' s error and initiate the necessity review . On the other hand , the author should pay close attention to the core issue of the judge ' s error and initiate the necessity review . On the other hand , it is necessary to consider whether the judge ' s mistake or the punishment effect has not been reached . On the other hand , it is necessary to consider whether the judge ' s error or the punishment effect has not been achieved through the appeal .

In the third part , there is still a problem in the review of the necessity of prosecution in China . Although the judicial interpretation clearly stipulates the conditions for the prosecution of the people ' s procuratorate , there is a certain difference in the necessity of examining the protest because the communication mechanism of the two - stage procuratorial organs is not perfect , thus affecting the efficiency of prosecution .
At the same time , besides reviewing the necessity of prosecution , there are some factors that interfere with the exercise of discretion . At the same time , there are some factors which interfere with the exercise of discretion and make the necessity review deviate from orbit . The performance appraisal system forces the prosecution to be the follow - up support of public prosecution .

In the fourth part , the author suggests that the necessity of prosecution should be improved . First of all , we should perfect the communication mechanism of the procuratorial organs at the lower and lower levels and establish the synchronous examination mechanism of the case against the prosecution .



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