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发布时间:2018-04-29 21:11

  本文选题:行政争议 + 行政诉讼 ; 参考:《法律适用》2017年23期

[Abstract]:The newly revised Administrative Litigation Law of our country has added the legislative purpose of "resolving administrative disputes" and the principle of limited mediation, in order to re-understand the role of mediation system in administrative litigation in our country. The construction and improvement of diversified dispute resolution mechanism provides legislative support. The exploration of pre-litigation mediation mechanism of administrative litigation is an important aspect of carrying out the legislative purpose of "resolving administrative disputes" and exploring the pluralistic dispute resolution mechanism. If the parties choose to mediate before litigation, they may be included in the mediation mechanism before litigation within the scope of the conditions for administrative litigation and the scope of mediation provided by law. In the design of pre-litigation mediation procedure, the party's choice of procedure should be respected, which is beneficial to the simplification of cases and the improvement of judicial efficiency, and insists on the characteristics of administrative litigation different from that of civil pre-litigation mediation. The legal status of the mediation mechanism before administrative litigation is not clear, and there is great room for improvement and development. We should establish the legal status of pre-litigation mediation, refine and expand the scope of pre-litigation mediation, strengthen the docking between pre-litigation mediation and administrative litigation, improve the mechanism of complex mediation, improve the specialization level of pre-litigation mediation, Establish the judicial evaluation mechanism before the issuance of the administrative mediation document.
【作者单位】: 上海铁路运输法院;


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