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发布时间:2018-04-30 10:42

  本文选题:附条件不起诉 + 诉讼经济 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:附条件不起诉,或称暂缓起诉,目前这一制度已经被日本、德国、美国等很多国家和地区引入刑事诉讼法之中,并且皆规定了较为宽泛的适用范围,其中以日本为最。附条件不起诉制度因其可以节省司法资源、提高司法效率、兼顾各方利益而备受刑事司法学界青睐,在新刑事诉讼法颁布之前就有不少学者建议引入我国刑事司法程序,甚至一些公诉机关还有过司法实践的先例,虽然因为违反法律规定很快被叫停,但也给日后研究附条件不起诉制度留下了一笔宝贵财富。附条件不起诉制度在我国新刑事诉讼法中得以确立,但是规定的适用范围却仅仅局限于未成年人,并未像我国大多数学者所建议的规定为“可能判处三年有期徒刑以下刑罚的犯罪嫌疑人”。从案例分析和域外法比较研究可以得出,由于适用范围设计过窄,附条件不起诉制度不可能达到预期的效果。这种太过保守的设计,不仅遏制了其诉讼经济方面优势的发挥,而且无法凸显程序设计方面的层次性。 附条件不起诉最初在我国出现,完全是出于对未成年人的关爱和检察机关的恻隐之心,因此也可以说是一种基层实践倒逼形成的回应型立法,因此2012年《刑事诉讼法》对其适用范围的规定也是被动的沿用甚至缩小了未成年人这一范围。但是立法者应当具有更为长远和现实的眼光,,积极考察域外附条件不起诉制度的设计理念、适用背景和条件等因素,在我国现有刑事诉讼法基础之上结合我国司法实践,重新建构和完善附条件不起诉制度。近些年来,我国犯罪率不断升高,各种新型犯罪不断涌现,未成年犯罪率和再犯率也逐年攀升,在这种情况下司法系统负担沉重,司法资源严重匮乏,司法机关压力巨大,分流程序的设置已是必要。附条件不起诉制度不仅可以在起诉阶段将一部分案件筛选出刑事程序,节省了后续的审判、关押等环节,大大提高了司法效率,并且在负担条件的履行过程中需要单位、学校等非司法机构的参与,整合了司法资源和其他社会资源。附条件不起诉制度由于可以让犯罪人不留前科,而且以弥补被害人损失为前提条件,可以兼顾被害人和犯罪嫌疑人双方的利益,修复受损的社会关系,有利于犯罪嫌疑人重新回归社会。 附条件不起诉的制度设计是与“非刑罚化”、“去机构化”等刑罚理念相契合的,也符合修复性司法的要求,应当在立法和司法实践当中给予更广泛的适用。笔者建议应当将附条件不起诉制度的适用范围扩大至“可能判处三年有期徒刑以下刑罚”的犯罪嫌疑人,而不对主体身份或者犯罪类型做过多的限制,但是检察机关在决定适用时还是应该综合考量未成年人、老年人、偶犯、初犯、过失犯等,以及犯罪情节和悔罪态度。在立法扩大附条件不起诉适用范围之前,还应当加强理论研究,理清诉权和审判权之间的关系,细化附条件不起诉适用条件,提高检法人员的业务水平和素质,扩大检察官的自由裁量权,催生出适合附条件不起诉广泛适用的土壤,真正构建出“不起诉——酌定不起诉——附条件不起诉——起诉”这样有层次的制度设计,完善司法程序,实现社会效果和法律效果的统一。
[Abstract]:The system has been introduced into the criminal procedure law in many countries and regions such as Japan, Germany, the United States and many other countries and regions, and it has provided a broader scope of application. Among them, Japan is the most important. The system of conditional non prosecution can save judicial resources, improve judicial efficiency and take into account the interests of all parties. It is popular in the field of criminal justice. Before the promulgation of the new criminal procedure law, many scholars have suggested the introduction of the criminal judicial procedure in our country. Even some public prosecution organs have precedents of judicial practice. Although the violation of the law is quickly called to stop, it has also left a valuable wealth to the system of conditional non prosecution. The system of conditional non prosecution has been established in the new criminal procedure law of China, but the scope of application is only limited to minors. It is not as "a criminal suspect who may be sentenced to three years of imprisonment as a sentence below" as most of the scholars in our country suggest. The scope of application is too narrow, and the system of conditional non prosecution can not achieve the desired effect. This kind of too conservative design not only curbed the advantages of its litigation economy, but also could not highlight the level of programming.
Conditional non prosecution first appeared in our country, completely out of the care of the minors and the sympathy of the procuratorial organs, so it can also be said to be a kind of response legislation formed by the grass-roots practice, so the provisions of the criminal procedure law in 2012 are also passive and even narrowed the scope of the minors. However, the legislator should have a more long-term and realistic vision, actively examine the design concept of the extraterritorial non prosecution system, apply the background and conditions and other factors, combine with our country's existing criminal procedure law on the basis of judicial practice, to reconstruct and improve the conditional non prosecution system. In recent years, our country's crime rate has been rising. In this case, the burden of the judicial system is heavy, the judicial resources are seriously deficient and the judicial organs are in great pressure. The establishment of the distributary procedure is necessary. The system of conditional non prosecution can not only screen a part of the criminal procedure at the stage of prosecution, It has saved the follow-up trial and detention, and greatly improved the judicial efficiency. In the process of carrying out the burden conditions, the judicial resources and other social resources were integrated with the participation of the non judicial institutions such as the school and other non judicial institutions. The conditional non prosecution system could make the offender not to leave the criminal record and make up for the damage of the victim. Conditions can take into account the interests of both the victim and the suspect, repair the damaged social relations, and help the suspects return to society.
The system design with conditional non prosecution is compatible with the penalty concept of "non penalty punishment" and "to institutionalization". It also conforms to the requirements of the restorative justice. It should be widely applied in the legislative and judicial practice. The author suggests that the application scope of the system of conditional non prosecution should be extended to "the possibility of sentenced to three years of the apprentice." The criminal suspect is not limited to the subject identity or the type of crime, but the procuratorial organs should consider the minors, the elderly, the offenders, the first offenders, the negligent offenders, as well as the crime plot and the repentance when the decision is applied. We should strengthen the theoretical study, clarify the relationship between the right of appeal and the right of trial, refine the conditions for the application of the conditional non prosecution, improve the business level and quality of the prosecutors, expand the discretion of the prosecutor, and give birth to the soil suitable for the non prosecution, which is suitable for the conditions of non prosecution. The system of prosecution and prosecution has a hierarchical system designed to perfect judicial procedures and achieve unity of social effects and legal effects.



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