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发布时间:2018-05-02 09:05

  本文选题:民事行为保全 + 被申请人利益保障 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The preservation system of civil acts is the newly established system of the Civil Action Law revised in 2013, which has perfected the contents of the preservation system in China. The preservation of civil acts is only applicable to the patent law, trademark law, copyright law, special procedure law of maritime litigation and other special fields. It provides a new way for civil subjects to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. However, when the civil act preservation system is established, the idea is too much on the applicant side, which leads to the lack of protection for the respondent in the current civil act preservation system in our country, compared with the similar system outside the country. It fails to better reflect the fair treatment of both parties in the civil procedure, the equal participation of the parties in the procedure and the concept of procedural justice, and fails to achieve the original legislative intention of preventing the "capitalization of the case". Because the preservation of civil act in our country is not conducive to the protection of the interests of the respondent in the starting procedure and the guarantee procedure, the court mostly adopts the unilateral trial method in its application, which lacks the specific provisions of the examination and trial procedure, and the relief procedure is single. In view of the problems existing in the legislation and practice of civil act preservation in our country, the author puts forward some concrete suggestions to improve the protection of the interests of the respondent.


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