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发布时间:2018-05-03 14:45

  本文选题:公司诉讼 + 审理方式 ; 参考:《河北法学》2017年07期

[Abstract]:Corporate litigation has the unique characteristics of "diversification" and "complexity", and its dispute structure and interest pattern are also quite different from ordinary civil litigation. The single civil procedure system established on the basis of simple civil relations and traditional civil disputes can not meet the procedural requirements of company disputes. At present, according to the theory of procedural proportionality and the staggered application theory of procedural law and non-litigation legal theory, the way of "partial application of non-litigation legal theory" can be adopted as the way of constructing and classifying the company litigation. Therefore, the judge should use the method of procedural legal function analysis, combine the right of interpretation with the procedural option of the parties, and recombine the procedural elements of the procedural principle and the non-litigation legal principle in the case trial. To form a suitable case specific circumstances and litigant litigation objectives of the trial.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学;
【基金】:司法部国家法治与社会理论研究项目《ISDS仲裁机制的晚近发展及中国应对》(16SFB2028) 西南政法大学法学院民事诉讼法专业博士研究生科研项目《人民法庭的民事审判权运行机制研究》的阶段性成果之一


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